Probability Theory

MATH/STAT7032, Spring semester, 2022

Instructor: Yizao Wang
Office: 4302 French Hall
Office Hours: by appointment.
Class meeting: MWF 1:25pm - 2:20pm, Room 325 Braunstein.


Course description

We will cover the following materials: measure-theoretic foundations of probability; laws of large numbers; weak convergence; characteristic functions; central limit theorems. The course is required for the Probability Preliminary Exam.

Pre-req: Advanced Calculus (MATH 6001/6002) or equivalent.


Tentative Schedule and Homework

HWs will be posted, downloaded, submitted and graded via Canvas. See info/deadlines there. Sections 4.4, 4.5: expository lectures, not covered by final exam and the prelim.