Financial Mathematics

MATH4009, Fall Semester, 2021

Instructor: Yizao Wang
Office: 4302 French Hall
Office Hours: by appointment.
Class meeting: MWF, 11:15AM - 12:10PM.

Course Description

The course provides an introduction to the theory of interest, and may serve as a preparation for the Actuarial Exam FM/2.


  1. Mathematical Interest Theory, 2nd/3rd Edition, Vaaler and Daniel. (Amazon)
  2. (Recommended but not required) A Basic Course in the Theory of Interest and Derivatives Markets: A Preparation for the Actuarial Exam FM/2. Marcel Finan. (ebook from author's website)
The lectures will follow reference 1 (all 9 Chapters) above. Some examples/exercises are taken from Reference 3 above. Lecture slides will be available at Canvas.


Homework (70%), Midterm (15%), Final (20%). (The highest score one may get is 105/100, or equivalently with 5 bonus credit.)

Letter grades: A(90%), A-(85%), B+(80%), B(75%), B-(70%), C+(65%), C(60%), C-(55%).

Tentative Schedule

(Chapter numbers are from the 2nd edition. Chapter number in bracket is the one in the 3rd edition when different.) There will be 6-7 HW sets, to be posted on Canvas.