Is asthma Life Threatening?


    In the past few decades, asthma has been responsible for several thousand deaths.  These deaths though are mostly preventable.  With proper treatment from a physician, asthma can be medicated so that most symptoms are reduced to a slight inconvience.  At times though, overmedication may have also led to death.  Isoprenaline, an inhaled bronchiodialator, can over stimulate cardiac function in individuals with bad hearts conditions.  Excessive reliance on the efficacy of fast acting bronchiodialators may also attribute to the asthma deaths because patients fail to go to emergency rooms when symptoms worsen.  In general, being diagnosed with asthma is not a death sentence.  Far from it, most asthma sufferers live full lives with amazing control over their asthma symptoms.  Deaths from asthma are best prevented by patients becoming aware that when symptoms worsen even with medicine, emergency treatment may be necessary to treat the asthma attack.



Anatomy of the Lung

Overview of Asthma


    Diagnosing Asthma

    Genetics of Asthma

    Environmental Allergens

    Mortality of Asthma


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