1. Charles I. Cragg, "Teachers Also Must Learn," in Louis Barnes et al. ed., Teaching and the Case Method, Harvard Business School Press, 1994, pp. 9-14 at p. 15 Back to text
2. Mingst, Karen (ed.) "Special Issue: Case Teaching in International Relations," International Studies Notes, 1994, 19, 2. Pew Case Studies in International Affairs, The Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20057 202 687-8971. The Catalog is on-line at http://sfswww.georgetown.edu/sfs/programs/isd/files/pub.htm Somes cases are available on line at "CaseNet: Active Learning in International Affairs" http://csf.colorado.edu/CaseNet/index.html CaseNet is a development of the Pew Faculty Fellowship in International Affairs, a program of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and the Pew Charitable Trusts. Over one hundred Pew Faculty Fellows who were trained from 1990-1995 continue to spread the gospel at professional meetings and maintain an email listerv on the web. See also Kennedy School Case Studies, Case Catalog, Case Program Sales Office, Kennedy School of Government, 79 JFK St., Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 495-9253 Email: cp_sales@ksg1.harvard.edu. The catalog may be searched on-line. Back to text
3. G.R. Shreve "Classroom litigation in the first semester of law school -- an approach to teaching legal method at Harvard," Journal of Legal Education 29(1): 95-105, 1977. D.F. Vagts, "The 'other' case method: education for counting house and court house compared," Journal of Legal Education 28(4): 403-22, 1977. Back to text
4. T. Romm and S. Mahler, "A Three dimenisonal model for using case studies in the academic classroom. Higher Education, 15(6), 677-696, at 681, 1986. John Dewey, How We Think Boston: Heath, 1933, p. 120. This paper's opening quotation is from John Dewey, "Thinking in Education," in Louis Barnes, et al., ed. note 1 above. Back to text
5. Soering v. United Kingdom, European Court of Human Rights, Judgment of 7 July 1989, Ser. A No. 161, 11 Eur. Hum. Rts. Rep. 439. After the U.S. gave satisfactory assurances that Soering would not be sentenced to death, he was extradited, convicted in state court, and sentenced to prison. Back to text
6. Benjamin S. Bloom, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: Cognitive Domain. N.Y., McKay: 1956. Back to text
7. Romm and Mahler, note 4 above, p. 687 Back to text
8. W.G. Perry, Jr., Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years, A Scheme. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970. Craig Nelson, Professor of Biology, Indiana University regularly offers workshops on critical thinking at Lilly conferences (see appendix). See Craig Nelson, "Tools for Tampering with Teaching's Taboos," in New Paradigms for College Teaching, William Campbell and Karl Smith, eds. Interaction Books, 1997. Craig Nelson,"Collaborative Learning and Critical Thinking" in K. Bosworth and S. Hamilton, eds.: Collaborative Learning and College Teaching, Jossey-Bass, 1994. Back to text
9. Pat Hutchings, Using Cases to Improve College Teaching," AAHE, 1993. Louis Barnes, et al., ed., Teaching and the Case Method, Harvard Business School Press, 1994 Back to text
10. J. Kleinfeld, "Changes in problem solving abilities of students taught through case methods." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 334 154). Back to text
11. Patrice Franko and Mark Boyer, "The ABCs of Case Teaching: A Manual in Progress," Pew Faculty Fellowship in International Affairs, Intenational Studies Association Annual Meeting, 1995. Back to text
12. Basic Books, 1986. Back to text
13. From a popular work that includes diagnostic measures for use by the reader. David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates, Please Understand Me: Character and Termperament Types, Del Mar, CA: Prometheus, 1984, p. 17. The typology is based on work by Carl Jung. It was a surprise to discover that my own ISTJ profile (Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) was considered valuable for a career as bank or tax examiner, auditor and accountant as well as law researcher. p. 190. Back to text
14. Tony Grahsa, Teaching With Style: Enhancing Learning by Understanding Teaching and Learning Styles. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Alliance Publishers, 1996. Back to text
15. Tracey Sutherland and Charles Bonwell, eds. Using Active Learning in College Classes, Jossey-Bass, 1996. Back to text
16. Vicki Golich, Political Science, University of California, San Marcos, Workbook on the Case Method of Interactive Teaching," 1993, Mimeo. Back to text
17. http://www.courttv.com/cases Back to text
18. My thanks to Barbara Welling Hall, Convener, Department of Politics, Earlham College, Richmond, IN for sharing by email information on how her students post their term pages on the web for others to review. Back to text
19. Case Concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia). http://www.law.cornell.edu/icj/icj4/opinion.htm Back to text
20. Lincoln Bloomfield and Allen Moulton, Managing International Conflict: From Theory to Policy N.Y.: St. Martin's 1997, includes two CASCON software disks and User's Guide. Back to text
21. Gunnar Nielsson, "Mediation Under Crisis Conditions: The U.N. Secretary General and the Falkland/Malvinas Crisis, 1994, Pew Case Studies in International Affairs 127. Thomas Weiss and Donald Lu, International Negotiations on the Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations, 1992, Pew Case Studies in International Affairs 117. Back to text
22. There were ten different categories of five questions each on topics such as U.N. Charter, International Law, League of Nations, Peacekeeping, and Theories of International Organization, but no daily double. Back to text
23. Chisholm Galaxy Series, LCD Projectors, Campbell, CA 800 888-4210. Sharp Electornics, Mahwah, NJ 201 529-8731 ProLCD@SharpSEC.com. NEC, EIKI, 3M, and Davis also market overhead projectors that allow computer links. Back to text
24. Dewey, in Barnes at p. 9 Back to text
25. The first problem I designed creates a hypothetical debate between a Security Minister and a Justice Minister. Their disagreement poses an actual dilemma faced by India's Prime Minister Rao in 1996. How could his fragile government facing reelection balance competing demands for human rights and national unity in the bloody conflicts in Punjab and Kashmir? In assigned position papers, students prepared arguments to support their choice among alternative policy responses to demands by international non-governmental organizations and the United Nations. In class discussion, most advocated the pro-human rights side of the Justice Minister, an indication that I should bolster the case for the Security Minister. I have also considered eliminating the structured policy choices from the case so that advanced students might create original solutions. Copies of the problem were distributed in class and are now available on the web at http://www.cat.uc.edu/projects/tolley/dilemma.html Comments and feedback from more experienced case writers would be most welcome. (When I asked for review as a Pew Case, I was advised of a new policy that no consideration would be given to such a hypothetical problem.) Back to text
26. Milam Aiken and Delvin Hawley, "Designing an Electronic Classroom for Large College Courses, " T.H.E. Journal 23.2(1995)76-77. Ann Baron and Gary Orwig, New Technologies for Education. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Libraries Unlimited, 1993. Carolyn Kotlas, "Multimedia Techology: Bibliography," The Institute for Academic Technology, University of North Carolina. See Diana Oblinhger, "Teaching and Learning with Computers," The Institute for Academic Technology, University of North Carolina. Back to text
27. For free information and instructions on learning Perl see http://www.Perl.com or http://www.Perl.org Back to text