

Morgan Institute for Human Rights

The THRO cases are available in two forms, interactive web pages and a "single file" web page. The "single file" web pages are provided so that you can print the entire case using the PRINT command in your browser. The exercises are functional so you can also use the "single file" versions when you want to preload the whole case. In normal use, however, the interactive versions load more quickly and provide more flexible navigation.

Here are the links to the "single file" versions:

  1. A Just War? President Clinton’s Response to Kosovo
  2. The International Court of Justice Considers Genocide
  3. Prime Minister Rao's Dilemma: Terrorism and Human Rights in India
  4. Rape and Genocide in Rwanda: The ICTR’s Akayesu Verdict
  5. Doe v. Unocal: Forced Labor and Corporate Accountability
  6. Shah Bano: Muslim Women’s Rights
  7. Sanctions or Engagement? SLORC and Myanmar
  8. Business Ethics and SLORC: Unocal and the Yadana Gas Pipeline