1962, January                           Walter LaGrand born in Augsberg, Bavaria, Germany
1967                                          LaGrand family moves to U.S. with adopted father Masie
1982, January 7                        Attempted bank robbery and stabbing death of Ken Hartsock
1984, February                         Jury trial results in conviction for first degree murder
1984, December 14                   Judge imposes death sentence based on aggravating circumstances
1987                                          Conviction affirmed by Arizona Supreme Court; U.S. Supreme Court declines review
1990                                          Arizona Supreme Court denies post-conviction appeal
1992                                          LaGrand brothers learn of treaty violation and notify German Consulate
1995                                          U.S. District Court affirms conviction, rejects consular notice claim
1998                                          U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals affirms conviction, rejects consular notice claim

1999                                          Germany obtains provisional measures from ICJ

                                                U.S. Supreme Court dismisses Germany’s March 3 petition

                                                Walter LaGrand executed in Arizona Gas Chamber

2001, June                              ICJ rules in favor of Germany against U.S.

2002, June                              U.S. Supreme Court invalidates Arizona sentencing procedure

                                                Arizona empowers juries to impose the death penalty