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International Cases

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Roach and Pinkerton v. U.S., Case 9647, Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, 147, OEA/ser.L/V/II.71, doc. 9 rev. 1 (1986-87).

Soering v. United Kingdom European Court of Human Rights, 1989. 161 Eur.Ct. H.R. (ser.A), 11 E.H.R.R. 439.

The Right to Information on Consular Assistance in the Framework of the Guarantees of the Due Process of Law, Advisory Opinion OC-16/99, Inter-Am. C.H.R. (ser. A) No. 16 (1999), 141.

Written Observations of the United States of America, Request for Advisory Opinion OC-16 (on file at Inter- American Court of Human Rights) at 27.

Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Advisory Opinion OC-16/99 of October 1, 1999, The Right to Information on Consular Assistance in the Framework of the Guarantees of Due Process of Law, para. 122.


Article 10, UN Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who Are Not Nationals of the Country in Which They Live (U.N.G.A. Res. 40/144, (1985)).

Article 6(3), UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (U.N.G.A. Res. 39/46, (1984)); Rule 38(1),

Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons Under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment (U.N.G.A. Res. 43/173 (1988));

Commission on Human Rights, The Question of the Death Penalty, ESC Res. 2000/65, UN ESCOR, UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2000/65 (2000);

Commission on Human Rights, The Question of the Death Penalty, ESC Res. 1999/61, UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/1999/61 (1999).

Statute of the International Court of Justice, June 26, 1945, art. 36, 59 Stat. 1055

UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (ECOSOC Res. 663 (1957)); Principle 16(2),

U.N. Charter Article 94

Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, Apr. 24, 1963, 21 U.S.T. 77, 596 U.N.T.S. 261.


Section 834 (c) of the California Penal Code.

Code of Federal Regulations, 28 C.F.R. §50.5(a) and 8 C.F.R. §236.1(e).

Az. R. Crim. P. 32.2 (West 2001) (mandating that a defendant is precluded from relief for any claim "that has been waived at trial, on appeal, or in any previous collateral proceeding.")

Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, 28 U.S.C. 2254 (2001) and 28 U.S.C. 2261 (2001)

Web Sites

Amnesty International On-line, “A Time For Action-Protecting the Consular Rights of Foreign Nationals Facing the Death Penalty,” AMR 51/106/2001, Aug. 22 2001

American University data on foreign nationals.

Angel Breard briefs and opinions

Death Penalty Information Center

Justices See Joint Issues with the EU, Washington Post , July 8, 1998, at A24.
