Morgan Institute for Human Rights

III. Decision and Rationale

Prime Minister Rao must decide the following three questions:
  1. Should Indian security laws be revised to comply with international human rights standards or would submission to the U.N. compromise national sovereignty?
  2. Should the government prosecute security officials for gross human rights violations or grant amnesty to those who risked their lives defending national unity?
  3. Should the government allow more international monitors to visit Kashmir and Punjab or exclude organizations that criticized tough security measures?

Write a separate answer for each question. Explain your reasons in no less than 250 words in the space provided. Refer specifically to different Indian laws, international treaties, and organizations and why you would or would not change current policy. Then compare your rationale to model answers which justify very different approaches the Prime Minister could take.

Name: E-mail:

  1. Should Indian security laws be revised to comply with international human rights standards or would submission to the U.N. compromise national sovereignty?

  2. Should the government prosecute security officials for gross human rights violations or grant amnesty to those who risked their lives defending national unity?

  3. Should the government allow more international monitors to visit Kashmir and Punjab or exclude organizations that criticized tough security measures?

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