Three Part Essay Problem
All things considered, do you think that the U.S. and NATO made the right decision or the wrong decision to conduct airstrikes against Serbia to force them to agree to the terms of the peace agreement and end the fighting in Kosovo?
1. Your analysis of whether the decision was right or wrong should rest on clearly stated criteria: select any one of the following:
a) Legal: U.S. and international norms, Constitution, treaties, statutes, custom
b) Moral: ethical principles to do no harm and to alleviate othersŐ suffering, Just War concepts, natural law, ends and means, right and might
c) Military: strategic doctrine, unity of command, deterrence
d) Political: rational choice, democratic process, foreign policy goals, balance of power, regional stability, state sovereignty, universal human rights
Identify your criteria in the essay title:
"The Kosovo Just War Problem: A _______ Analysis" (insert one) Legal Moral Military Political
2. Once you have determined which set of principles to apply, your analysis should identify the strongest possible arguments and evidence on both sides of the question.
a) Write at least one paragraph providing the strongest reasons, arguments, and evidence why the decision could be viewed as "wrong" (illegal, or immoral, or militarily defective, or bad public policy.)
b) Write at least one paragraph providing the strongest reasons, arguments and evidence why the decision could be viewed as "right" (legal, or moral, or militarily effective, or good public policy.)
c. Write at least one concluding paragraph explaining how you evaluate conflicting principles, competing arguments, and evidence to reach a final judgment about whether the decision to conduct airstrikes was right or wrong.
After completing the essay, review a model answer that applies legal principles from U.S. and international law both to indict and to defend NATO air strikes. The model answer does not pass judgment on the legality of U.S. and NATO intervention. It is provided to help students appreciate that the best answers clearly organize logical reasons supported by appropriate evidence.
1. Provide the strongest reasons, arguments, and evidence why the decision could be viewed as "wrong" (illegal, or immoral, or militarily defective, or bad public policy.)
After completing your own written analysis, review a two part model essay that applies legal criteria. Additional discussion questions raise further issues for consideration.