Subnetting Exercise
The WhizBang Gismo Company has an address of, and wants to subdivide this
address into 12 subnets. Based upon this scenario, answer the following questions. Remember to include
the / (slash) notation where appropriate.
- What class is their original network? What is their "natural" subnet mask?
- How many bits to borrow for this subnetting scheme?
- What is the subnet mask for this subnetwork scheme?
- What is the maximum number of hosts can each subnet have? How many can be used as host addresses?
- List each of the individual subnet (network) addresses
in dotted decimal and in binary (especially the last octet). Make sure to denote ENP (extended network prefix) length.
- List the range of host addresses for the 3rd subnet.
- List the broadcast address for the 3rd subnet (understand the broadcast for all
of the subnets).