
Intended Audience

The intent of this electronic text is two-fold. First and foremost, the intent is help the reader with little to no programming experience understand and become comfortable building computer programs using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) techniques and Visual Basic.Net (VB.Net) as the tool to do so. Secondly, this etext is for the moderately experienced programmer who does not know Visual Basic or the VB.Net environment, but would like to learn. This etext is intended for people who have some experience using computers, but not necessarily with the Visual Studio.Net environment or VB.Net. While one does not have to be an experienced programmer to understand and learn from this hypertext, it will help if the reader has some basic computer sophistication; i.e. understands the concept of files, file system navigation, application programs, input/output devices, etc.

This text is not for everyone, however. Specifically, it is not for the audience of professional programmers with many years of experience. Those folks may find this text too simple for their needs, which of course is fine with the author.

The author assumes the reader truly does want to learn and understand the concepts and techniques which comprise Visual Basic and the .Net computing environment; because if not, this nor any other text will provide much help.

The authors most sincere intention is that the reader of this text will learn to appreciate the beauty of computer programming and embrace the personal rewards of doing so as much as he does.

Visual Studio.Net and Visual Basic

There have been numerous versions of Visual Basic released over the past two decades. These versions of Visual Basic range from Visual Basic 1.0 (VB 1.0 circa 1991) to the version originally described here named Visual Basic.Net 2005.1 Visual Basic 6.0 (circa 1998) was the last version named using a version number. Following version 6, VB was integrated into a larger framework of software products and renamed Visual Studio.Net and Visual Basic.Net (VB.Net) around 2002. This framework was further expanded and re-released in 2003 under the name of Visual Studio.Net 2003 (and VB.Net 2003). The .Net framework was expanded again in 2005, and similarly named Visual Studio.Net 2005 (and VB.Net 2005), again in 2008, and again in 2010.

In addition to the versions, there are several "editions" of VB.Net 20xx. These editions include the "Express edition", a free (but pared down) version of VB.Net (download here), VB.Net Standard edition, VB.Net Professional edition, and the VB.Net Team edition (and probably more the author can't figure out). The version you will use will depend upon your school or work environment (see Content and Organization below).

1 This text was updated to be consistent with updates in Visual Studio.Net 2008 and VB.Net 2008, in 2008, and again for VS.Net 2010.

Content and Organization

As mentioned above, the goals of this etext are two-fold: 1) learning to write computer programs to solve problems of various sorts and 2) using Visual Basic as the language to do so. The degree of difficulty of either of these goals will most likely depend upon your experience with computer programming and problem solving.

This etext will begin by focusing upon the first task mentioned above. However, just because this is the starting point does not necessarily mean this is the simpler material (perhaps just the opposite). This etext will address problem solving and programming techniques in a generic manner, thus these techniques can be implemented in any programming lanugage. Only when exploring a specific solution implemented in VB will this text be VB specific. If you are an experienced programmer wishing to learn VB, you may want to spend less time on the introductory programming sections and move directly into the using VS.Net and Visual Basic language sections.

This etext will also introduce and refer to objects and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) techniques from the very beginning. However, since this is an introductory programming text, intermediate to more advanced use of objects will not be addressed until later in the text.

This text will focus upon command line based applications as well as Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications. While some will say that command line applications are outdated and "old-school", this is a limited understanding of technology (think of this the next time you use your bank ATM machine).

The Visual Basic topics and commands presented in this hypertext are meant to cover the broadest range of VB usage, but due to all of the differing versions and editions, this is somewhat limited. So for example, if you have VB.Net 2003, some VB commands or syntax may not work exactly as documented here. When VB commands and command syntax are introduced, they will first be introduced with the syntax in general, followed by a short, concise example. It is important that readers gain experience understanding generic syntax for commands, as that is what most help examples will use. In addition, each section which presents VB commands will contain a link to each command's MSDN help page, as appropriate.

Finally, it is the author's recommendation that readers of this etext begin at the beginning and only proceed to later sections when the material in the current section is well understood (based, of course on your experience).

Conventions Used

In an attempt to make the material in this hypertext as clear as possible for the reader, the following conventions were followed:

Next Section: Intro to Prog. Languages Table of Contents

©2007, Mark A. Thomas. All Rights Reserved.