Repetitive control structures, also referred to as iterative structures, are groupings of code which are designed to repeat a set of related statements. This repetition (or iteration) can repeat zero or more times, until some control value or condition causes the repetition to cease. We use iterative controls when we need to do the same task more than once, based upon some logical condition. While the terms repetition and iteration are very descriptive words, the common term to describe these control structures is loop. Loops consist of two logical parts; the condition (i.e. the logic that evaluates the condition), and the loop body (i.e. where the code integral to the loop is located). I categorize loops into two general categories:
The difference being that with a determinate loop structure, one can (normally) predict exactly how many times the loop will repeat; whereas with an indeterminate loop structure, this is not always the case. An indeterminate loop structure loops as long as a condition evaluates to some certain boolean value. Indeterminate loops should be used when the programmer does not know exactly how many times the iteration need occur. Logically however, both indeterminant and determinate loops can be written to be equivalent.
Beginning with indeterminate looping structures, there are two types to introduce:
A pre-test loop evaluates its condition before any statements contained in its body are executed. Thus, a pre-test loop can execute its body a minimum of zero times, assuming the initial value of the condition evaluates to False. A post-test loop on the other hand, evaluates its condition after it executes all statements in its body. Thus, a post-test loop can execute its body a minimum of one time, even if the initial value of the condition evaluates to False. Below are diagrams representing of each type of loop:
intCount | intSum | intCount <= 5 | Comment |
1 | 0 | True | initial values as loop entered |
2 | 1 | True | start of pass 2 |
3 | 3 | True | start of pass 3 |
4 | 6 | True | start of pass 4 |
5 | 10 | True | start of pass 5 |
6 | 15 | False | loop terminates |
As you can see from above, when the value of intCount becomes 6, the relational condition returns a False value, and loop execution terminates.
As stated previously, the difficulty with loops is the logic which is required to make them work correctly. Consider the following simple modification to statement 3 above:
Do While intCount < 5Do you notice the difference? This error is another example of a nasty "off by 1" error. Using only the less than operator, although it may not appear that different, will result in a value of 10. It should be clear that this will result in the summation of the numbers from 1 to 4, not 1 to 5.
Similarly, consider this simple modification:
Do While intCount = 5Do you notice this difference? Since intCount is initialized (by default) to zero and the incrementing statement being inside the loop, this will result in the loop body never getting executed. This logic error will result in a value of 0, which is perhaps even worse. Pay very close attention to the logical details when working with loops and relational operators!
When considering post-test loops, the standard example is the Do-Until loop. The general syntax
of the Visual Basic Do-Until can be viewed a couple of ways:
Most of the logic here is similar to the Do-While loop above. However, notice the correlation between the
relational operator in the Do-While and the one in the Do-Until. Do you understand this correlation?
When considering determinate loops, the standard example is the For-Next loop (note that this is
also a pre-test loop). The general syntax of the Visual Basic For-Next is as follows:
As the execution of the For-Next loop begins, VB evaluates start_value, end_value, and
step_value. The start_value is then assigned to the counter variable. Before execution of the
For-Next body, the counter is compared to the end_value. If counter is already greater than
(for a positive step_value or less than for a negative step_value) the end value, the For-Next loop
terminates and control is passed to the statement following the Next statement; otherwise the statement block is
executed. This algorithm for the For-Next loop can be summarized as follows:
As with the above summation examples above, below is an equivalent For-Next loop:
As in the examples above, the value of intSum upon termination of this loop would
be 15. However, it is important to look at the value intCount would have upon loop termination. As this loop
will only terminate when intCount > 5, the value of that variable would then be 6. Any usage of this variable
will result in using the value 6. This is a very important side effect of all loops in general.
Note you could also write the above For loop as:
When looking at the following two For statements, we might ask the simple question "how many times will each loop,
Do Do
[statement(s)] [statement(s)]
statement affecting condition
Loop Until condition
Loop Until condition
As above, the structure on the left above is technically correct syntax, but perhaps not logically so. Technically, a loop
body can contain zero statements; but if that is the case, the loop will never terminate. Notice here the
condition is checked at the bottom of the loop, thus the loop body will always be executed at least once.
Looking at a similar Do-Until loop to sum the numbers between 1 and 5, we observe:
For counter = start_value To end_value [Step step_value]
Next [counter]
This looping structure appears a bit more complicated than the other two, simply because there are more components.
Looking at the components individually, we see:
evaluate counter >= end_value if negative step_value
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim intSum As Integer
For intCount = 1 To 5
intSum = intSum + intCount
which achieves and equivalent result. One important difference to note from the other two loop structures is
that in a For-Next loop, the increment of the control variable happens automatically. That is, incrementing
the counter variable is built in to the loop behavior (note this is step # 5 in the two loop examples above).
This is commonly a confusing point for students. For intCount = 5 To 1 Step -1
and achieve an equivalent result, however this may be logically more difficult to understand.
While we might be able to calculate the result using our fingers, a more accurate approach is by using the following
formula to calculate exactly how many iterations a loop will perform:
# iterations = Int2((end_value - start_value) / step_value) + 1
which when step_value = 1, simplifies to
# iterations = end_value - start_value + 1
Thus, in the example # 1 above, the number of iterations would be:
(5 - -5) + 1 or 11
and example # 2 would result in
Int ((15 - 0) / 2) + 1, or 8
Make sure you clearly understand how each of these results were found.
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