Console Lab 1

  1. Before getting started, create a Folder on the device where you plan to store your work (e.g. a flash drive). This is the location where all of your VB projects will be stored. Name it something like VB Programs for example.

  2. Start up Visual Studio.Net, select Tools dropdown, Import and Export Settings, Reset All Settings, No, General Development Settings.

  3. Next examine the Start Page, noticing the File, New Project and the Open Project (implies project exists) dropdown.

  4. Select File, New Project, and visually examine the New Project page, noticing the Project Types list and the Templates list. Visual Basic Projects should always be selected (select if not). Then select Console Application (if not already selected).

  5. In the Name box towards the bottom of the form, name your application HelloWorld.

  6. Enter the Location for the solution/project files to reside from step 1 above on removable media. Note that your project files are NOT to remain on the school's hard drive (e.g. C:). Uncheck "Create directory for solution". When this is complete, click OK.

  7. Once inside the console application IDE, visually examine and familiarize yourself with the console portions of the IDE.

  8. Change the name of the module from Module1.vb to HelloWorld.vb (right click, rename).

  9. Now run/start the application. What happened (examine the task window)?

  10. Once this is complete, add an output statement using the WriteLine method found in the Console class to display the string text "Hello World!". Make sure this runs without errors.

  11. You may also wish to add a ReadLine method which is also found in the Console class to keep your console window from disappearing.

  12. Make sure you can save all of your changes once all of the above are complete.