Remote Linux Connection (off campus)

Note the following instructions/images are from my desktop Windows computer. Yours may appear or work slightly differently.
  1. Download and install UC VPN (see, then search VPN).
  2. Start Cisco AnyConnect VPN, entering your UC student username and password.
  3. Once connected, you should see something like:
  4. Download and install puTTY SSH client (see Windows only. Mac users skip to step 7.
  5. You can then starty puTTY, entering the correct hostname and clicking open.
  6. You can then login in to the Linux host, using the username assigned in class.
  7. Note steps 4-6 are for Microsoft operating systems (Windows) only. If you have a Mac, instead of using puTTY, you can simply start a terminal window, then type:
    or download a Mac ssh client (see here).
    Please note I cannot verify these steps for Macs because I don't own one.

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