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TBAB Biofilter Set-up VOCs Mixture This study characterizes the performance of a trickle bed air biofilter (TBAB) for removing paint booth VOCs. Two independent parallel trains TBABs with different VOCs composition were investigated. The first TBAB received an equimolar ratio of toluene, styrene, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), and methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK). The second TBAB received a mixture based on point source air emission with a molar ratio of toluene:styrene:MEK:MIBK as 0.448:0.260:0.234:0.058. The efficacy of each TBAB was evaluated against step changes in influent concentration up to 1000 ppmv with two minutes empty bed retention time. Biofilters responses to backwashing and substrate starvation as biomass control were evaluated. Backwashing was conducted off line once a week with one hour in-situ upflow media fluidization. Starvation was conducted with no contaminant in the air stream for two days per week. Each operating condition was investigated for a three weeks period at each loading rate studied. The first TBAB maintained 99% overall removal efficiency for influent concentration up to 500 ppmv (3.94 kg COD/m 3-day) under backwashing operating condition . Only Toluene was detected with 96% removal efficiency. Increasing the influent concentration to 1000 ppmv led to 80% overall removal efficiency with only styrene and toluene detected in the effluent. The second TBAB maintained 99% removal for an influent concentration up to 300 ppmv (2.28 kg COD/m 3-day). The starvation study indicated that starvation can be an effective biomass control for influent concentrations up to 500 ppmv for the first TBAB and 250 ppmv for the second TBAB. Removal behaviors of MEK, MIBK, and styrene along the biofilter depth were similar for both TBABs. MEK and MIBK were completely removed in the upper 3/8 media depth and styrene in the upper 5/8 media depth. However, toluene removal utilized more biofilter depth for the second TBAB as compared to the first TBAB.
Publications and Conferences for Removal of Mixture of VOCs PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES Cai, Z., Kim, D., and Sorial, G.A., “Biological Oxidation of Gaseous VOC Mixtures in a Trickle-Bed Air Biofilter,” Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 2007, 10(1). Cai, Z., Kim, D., and Sorial, G.A., "A Comparative Study in Treating Two VOC Mixtures in Trickle Bed Air Biofilters," Chemosphere, 2007, 68(6), 1090-1097. Cai, Z., Sorial, G.A., Zhang, K., Saikaly, P., Zein, M.M., and Oerther, D.B, "Microbial Study for TBABs Treating Interchanged VOCs and their Mixtures," accepted for publication in Journal of Water, Air, and Soil Pollution Focus , August 2007. PEER REVIEWED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Cai, Z, Kim, D., and Sorial, G.A., “Performance of a Trickle Bed Air Biofilter for Removal of Paint Booth VOCs Mixture,” in proceedings of the 99 th A&WMA Annual Meeting, to be held in New Orleans, LA, June 20-23, 2006. Cai, Z. and Sorial, G.A., “Treatment of VOCs Mixture in a Trickling Bed Air Biofilter Integrated with Cyclic Adsorption/Desorption Beds,” in proceedings of the 99 th A&WMA Annual Meeting, to be held in New Orleans, LA, June 20-23, 2006. Cai, Z., Kim, D., and Sorial, G.A., “Trickle Bed Air Biofilter Performance for Removal of Multicomponent VOCs,” in proceedings of the 2 nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston, Texas, August 19-22, 2006. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Cai, Z., Kim, D., and Sorial, G. A., "Biodegradation of VOCs Mixture in a Trickle-Bed Air Biofilter", presented at AIChE 2005 Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 30 - November 4, 2005. Cai, Z., Kim, D., and Sorial, G.A., Biological Oxidation of Gaseous Mixtures in a Trickle Bed Air Biofilter, the 11th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air, and Soil, Chicago, IL October 23-27, 2005. Cai, Z., Kim, D., Sorial, G.A., Performance of a Trickle Bed Air Biofilter for Removal of Paint Booth VOcs Mixture, presented at A&WMA’s 99 th Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, LA June 20-23, 2006. Cai, Z., Kim, D., and Sorial, G.A., “Trickle Bed Air Biofilter Performance for Removal of Multicomponent VOCs,” presented at the 2 nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston, Texas, August 19-22, 2006. Ph.D. DISSERTATIONS Cai, Z., "Integrated Cyclic Adsorption/Desorption Beds and Biofiltration System for Treatment of Waste Gas Streams, " Ph.D. Dissertation, 2007, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA. (Presentation Slides) |
©2005 University of Cincinnati