Striped Halter Top

By: manos de crochet

Striped Halter Top

Difficulty:   Intermediate

Time Frame:   Moderate

I made this project for a friend and it is one of my most successful crochet clothing projects. The fit of the top is better than others I have made, with little to no weird fitting spots. I used a nicer yarn than I usually do and I think that that made a considerable difference to the overall success of the project.

I was really sad to let go of it, but if I have spare time between projects I may try to recreate it with different colors for myself. I would definitely recommend this pattern to anyone interested in creating it.

Find the free pattern here:

Video Tutorial


  • 3.5 mm hook
  • Size 4 yarn
    • 4 colors - tan, pink, blue, purple
  • Yarn needle

Find the free pattern here:

Video Tutorial