Leonid Slavin





13. Dimension-free estimates for semigroup BMO and $A_p$
with P. Zatitskii
to appear in Indiana University Math. J.
available in pdf
12. The $BMO \to BLO$ action of the maximal operator on $\alpha$-trees
with A. Osekowski and V. Vasyunin
to appear in St. Petersburg Math. J.
available in pdf
translated from Russian:
Algebra i Analiz
31 (5) (2019)
11. Sharp constants for a family of Carleson sequences
Adv. Math.
289 (2016)
available in pdf
10. The John--Nirenberg constant of $BMO^p, 1\le p\le 2$
available in pdf
9. Inequalities for BMO on $\alpha$-trees
with V. Vasyunin
Int. Math. Res. Not.
13 (2016)
available in pdf
8. The John--Nirenberg constant of $BMO^p, p>2$
with V. Vasyunin
St. Petersburg Math. J.
28 (2) (2017)
available in pdf
translated from Russian:
Algebra i Analiz
28 (2) (2016)
7. Weak integral conditions for BMO
with A. Logunov, D. Stolyarov, V. Vasyunin, and P. Zatitskiy
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
143(7) (2015)
available in pdf
6. Sharp $L^p$ estimates on BMO
with V. Vasyunin
Indiana U. Math. J.
available in pdf
5. New estimates for the Beurling-Ahlfors operator
on differential forms
with S. Petermichl, B. Wick
Journal of Operator Theory
65(2) (2011)
available in pdf
4. Sharp results in the integral-form
John-Nirenberg inequality

with V. Vasyunin
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
363(8) (2011)
available in pdf.
3. Bellman functions and Monge-Ampere equations:
the dyadic maximal operator

with A. Stokolos, V. Vasyunin
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I
346 (2008)
available in pdf
2. The $s$-function and the exponential integral

with A. Volberg
Contemporary Mathematics
444 (2007)
available in pdf
1. Bellman function and the $H^1-BMO$ duality

with A. Volberg
Contemporary Mathematics
428 (2007)
available in pdf