Requirements Engineering (RE) by Prof. Nan Niu (Summer 2019)

(E-mail the instructor if any link is broken or any document becomes inaccessible.)

Course description: PDF in Chinese (2 pages)

Assignments (60%) and participation (40%):

     Participation 0: Daily exercises in class (as a way to track attendance as well)

     Assignment 1: Goal modeling from textual requirements released on Wednesday (July 10)

          Dataset for Assignment 1: list of 15 functional requirements (FRs) (1-page PDF)

     Participation 1: Visual modeling notations Results

     Assignment 2: Linking functional and non-functional requirements released on Friday (July 12)

          Datasets for Assignment 2: list of 3 non-functional requirements (NFRs) and 30 functional requirements (FRs) (txt file)

                                                       answer set of linking the 30 FRs and the 3 NFRs (txt file)

                                                       formats of NFRs, FRs, and the trace links (txt file)

                                                       evaluation program (Java file)

                                                       README for the program (txt file)

     Assignment 3: Distributed requirements prioritization released on Monday (July 15)

          Dataset for Assignment 3: 12 functional requirements (FRs) to be prioritized (txt file)

Lecture notes: (will be posted after the class)

     RE Roadmap (July 8; 31-page PDF)

     Meaning of Req.s (July 9; 27-page PDF)

     Requirements Elicitation (July 10; 23-page PDF)

     i* (July 10; 13-page PDF)

     Visual Modeling Notations (July 11; 19-page PDF)

     NFRs (July 12; 19-page PDF)

     Automated Traceability (July 12; 21-page PDF)

     Req.s Prioritization (July 15; 9-page PDF)

     Summary (July 16; 22-page PDF)

References and readings: (will be updated as the course progresses)

     RE Conference Portal

     RE Basics

          RE: A Roadmap by B. Nuseibeh and S. Easterbrook (10-page PDF)

          Meaning of Requirements by M. Jackson (17-page PDF)

     Req.s Elicitation

          Experts' Requirements Elicitation by A. Hickey and A. Davis (10-page PDF)

          A Survey on Requirements Elicitation by D. Zowghi and C. Coulin (28-page PDF)

     Goal Modeling

          i* (distributed intentionality) by E. Yu (10-page PDF)

          Guided Tour by A. van Lamsweerde (14-page PDF)

          Assignment 1: Goal modeling from textual requirements

     Visual Modeling Notations

          Physics of Notations by D. L. Moody, P. Heymans, and R. Matulevicius (10-page PDF)

          Visual Notation Design 2.0 by P. Caire, N. Genon, P. Heymans, and D. L. Moody (10-page PDF)

          Class participation 1: Visual modeling notations Results

     Non-Functional Req.s (NFRs)

          Terminological Interference by N. Niu and S. Easterbrook (9-page PDF)

          Quality Attribute Scenarios by I. Ozkaya et al. (9-page PDF)

     Automated Req.s Traceability

          IR-Based Tracing by J. H. Hayes et al. (10-page PDF)

          NFR Classifier by J. Cleland-Huang et al. (10-page PDF)

          Assignment 2: Linking functional and non-functional requirements

     Req.s Prioritization

          AHP by J. Karlsson and K. Ryan (8-page PDF)

          Distributed Negotiation by D. Damian et al. (9-page PDF)

          an online AHP tool

          Assignment 3: Group-based distributed req.s prioritization

Last update: Tuesday, July 16, 2019