The depositor is easily able to upload large discrete files large files in one deposit without breaking them up. The depositor with large files will receive a warning only when the depositor is attempting to deposit something that may take some time. For the depositor with multiple related files, some of which may be large, all the files are deposited and represented in one place together. The digital archivist has a mediated workflow in which records creators can easily deposit records and the archivist can monitor and approve the process. If repository user's nomination is selected for further web archiving, the repository user can return to the repository to see the archived version of the web page. People know they are on the collection manager's collection page through visual cues and branding. The repository developer can easily brand collections through use of headers, banners, footers, color schemes, etc. The RSS feed of the repository's public user is updated, or the public user receives an email, whenever content matching public user's filters is deposited. An automated RSS feed and/or email alerts that updates/triggers dynamically with new content is available for the depositor to the repository. The repository user gets the full metadata, citation, and URL/DOI to the item in the citation manager. The repository user can view a citation that is the correct citation format. There is an option in a drop-down menu that lets the repository submitter choose XML/TEI when uploading documents. When viewing the uploaded document and scrolling over the text, the repository submitter's TEI additions are displayed. An icon on the display that the repository user can click to choose change from standard view to book view; functionality within the book viewer that lets the repository user navigate through the document by going forward/backward pages or select a particular page. Users can view JPEG 2000 files without downloading a plug-in. The repository user can play an audio or video file within the repository and have it playback immediately without issue. The repository submitter has a simple menu of commands or simple WYSIWYG buttons to use to format the text for selected fields. The file size information is automatically generated from the file(s) that the repository submitter uploads and displayed along with information such as Date Uploaded and Visibility. The system includes an IIIF-compliant image server in its stack, making use of the image and presentation APIs to deliver content to users. The repository submitter is able to create a custom password for an otherwise protected protected file attached to an item record. The submitter would then be able to remove temporary access once notified the password has been used to download the file. Users on a collection page can select which files they want to download and bulk download them from the collection page. The collection manager has some type of dashboard to control the way that item lists are displayed on the collection page. The item/collection owner's name displays lastname, firstname instead of their email address. Additional characters of the description of a collection or work are displayed in the description field. The content of PDF files is displayed on a work page in an embedded viewer. There is an interface where the content owner can select many works and apply the same editorship rights change to all of them. There is an interface where the content owner can select many works and apply the same readership rights change to all of them. There is an import button and menu that allows the metadata specialist to choose the schema in which to import the metadata. There is an export button and menu that allows the metadata specialist to choose the format in which to export the metadata. There is a metadata map that can show the metadata specialist how the metadata was mapped. There is an import button that lets the metadata specialist choose what type of file to import (CSV, XML, etc.). There is an import button and menu that allows the visual resources librarian to choose VRA Core 4.0. There is an import button that allows the visual resources librarian to select XML. The visual resources librarian can paste URIs into any field on the metadata input form and the links will display in the user view of the bib record. There is an edit/update button and menu that allows the metadata specialist to choose the records and fields that I want to change. There is a place on the input form that allows the repository submitter to enter their name in dc.creator or dc.contributor as both free text and as their ORCID ID. There is a drop-down in the subject field that shows a list of subject headings from a controlled vocabulary like FAST. There is an import button and menu that allows the repository user to select another repository to import the record from, like DRYAD. There is an export button and menu that allows the archivist to export MODS to an external system. There is an import button and menu that allows the archivist to import EAD and transform to MODS. The depositor can create a sub-collection, see all the sub-collections from the main collection page, and upload items directly into the sub-collection. When someone is viewing a group, they can see a depositor's collection in it. When someone is viewing a hierarchical collection, visual cues such as indentations show them the hierarchical structure. When someone arrives on the user page, they can easily see the virtual collections that the repository user has created. A repository user's exhibit can be accessed and shared with others. Individuals can login and manage items within certain areas, without access to other areas, and the collection manager can grant these granular permissions. When group members login, they can only edit or read materials based on the levels that the group manager has specified. When members view their group, they see which works their group has access to. When a user is viewing a collection page they see a series of folder links they can click to open or close, and see the files associated with each sub-collection. When the collection manager edits a collection, he or she can add an editor to the collection. On the collection display the content is arranged according to the collection manager's specifications, whether by name, date, or an arbitrary order chosen. The collection manager has the ability to re-order content according to their needs and not based on a system default. On a sub-collection page, it indicates when it is part of a larger parent collection. A heading stating "Profile" displays in bold and italics above my name, in addition to "Your Collections". An archivist or collection manager can choose between automated reports, or reports on demand to learn about checksum changes. The archivist has ingest information, including checksums, for archives accession documentation. The repository manager can export bit-level copies of objects and metadata to a dark archive. Repository content is routinely scanned for malware after the malware scanning software is updated. There is an interface to create repository collections reflecting journal structure, with multiple level of enumeration and designated article order and issue sections (e.g., letters, research articles, book reviews). The user who performs a keyword search will get a results list of items with a notation of where the keyword appears. When the repository user performs a search, the result set includes all objects where the search term is included within the text of an object. When the metadata professionals go to a URL and enter parameters to define appropriateness, they will receive a standardized machine-readable response with the information. The repository user can limit the scope of the search to a single metadata field. The repository user can limit an existing search to include only results with a specified, existing heading. A keyword search in a single search box searches all the fields in all the records in the repository. A keyword search more prominently ranks results where the repository user's keyword is used more prominently compared to other records. The metadata specialist can paste URIs into any field on the metadata input form and the links will display in the user view of the bib record. The help section has lists of where the metadata specialist can find URIs. The repository submitters can filter their search results by subject, discipline, etc. The work display page clearly shows the best link for the work, so that the repository user can share a stable URL to other people. The search results include information on how results are sorted. The creator field on a work is linked to a search for that author's works. The embedded viewer displays the content in the work display page, so that a repository user can evaluate or read content before downloading it. When a repository user searches for a compound term, punctuation and other related forms are treated as white-space or stemmed as appropriate. When a repository user searches for numerical terms, such as Latitude-Longitude geographic subjects, results with matched are ranked as more relevant. When a repository user searches for subjects, results are grouped by related subjects. When a user searches in the repository, results with matching terms in the subject field are included in the result set. Help information is displayed to help the repository submitter understand what a file rollback is. The file size is displayed near the download button. The repository shall index file names/file titles for keyword searching. When a repository submitter logs in, he or she can see the documents waiting input with the blank fields that he or she needs to fill out. Those viewing the record understand who the actual creator/office of origin is. The records manager can send the link to those needing to deposit electronic records to the digital repository. The records manager can look in the queue and see what is waiting the manager's approval and approve it. When the submitters are uploading, they can choose a submission template they have created that auto-fills certain fields with the metadata they have specified. When multiple works are added, they will have the same metadata. Batch items appear as a list with a check box to add work record. An archivist can submit multiple records at one time and will know they have been successfully placed in the repository Individuals can login and submit items to certain areas and the collection manager can grant these granular permissions. Individuals can login and manage items within certain areas, without access to other areas, and the collection manager can grant these granular permissions. The repository manager has an up to date list of depositor-creators who no longer have an institutional affiliation, so the manager can apply the appropriate access, preservation, and rights policies. Automated metadata will make changes to records based on the repository manager's list of no longer affiliated depositors. When viewing the metadata record, the depositor can see multiple files but know which one is the newer version. The submission interface includes a mechanism for generating DOIs, which are displayed on the public interface for the item. When submitting or managing an item or collection, the repository user is able to designate it as being available to authenticated users only. A login interface which accepts the institutional credentials, fills appropriate details in the user's account, and which automatically assigned the user appropriate privileges in the system. As part of the submission process, uploaded files are scanned for malware and are rejected if malware exists. The repository manager is able to choose which steps are handled by the manager, and which steps the user will perform in the submission process. The repository manager can run a tool to automatically identify broken URLs by metadata record. There is a format option in the input form that includes video. There is a button or other indicator in the input form that tells the repository submitter what collection, group, etc. mean. There is a button or link next to the work type that takes the repository submitter to a list of acceptable file formats. There is a button or link on the work ingest / file attach page that provides information about the maximum file sizes. There is a button on the input form that allows the repository submitter to choose their thumbnail image. There is a button on the input form that allows the repository submitter to import metadata from their previous submissions. There is a button or indicator that lets the repository submitter choose to upload multiple files at once. There are instructions that tell the repository submitter how to copy/paste and retain formatting. There is a font box in the input form that lets the repository submitter choose the font. There is a font box in the input form that lets the repository submitter choose whether the font is regular or italic. There is a font box in the input form that lets the repository submitter choose special characters to input. There is a box or indicator in the citation field that allows the repository submitter to import the submitter's citation from a third party (like Zotero). There will be indication next to required fields such as "error" or "required" in red if incomplete record is submitted. There will be a warning near the submit button that tells the repository submitter to close any open files. There will be visual status indicator showing that the system is still "thinking," e.g., animated icon. The SHERPA ROMEO link opens in a new window or the repository submitter should be warned not to use the back button. A hint appears that indicates the repository user needs to have a password of the required length. The repository user can click an 'Update Password' button and not leave page. The repository user can click on 'Log Out' without navigating through the menu. After the repository user selects a file from the local system, the file name is automatically populated in the title field. The user may edit this title for clarity. When the repository users browse for a work to attach from their computer, they are able to change the file name before submitting the work for the first time. The submission interface includes a mechanism for granting access to anyone, via their email address. The file upload interface is such that the repository user does not accidentally submit a work without attaching a file. The interface for batch upload will preserve the parent-child folder structure. 'My works' defaults to only showing the delegate's authored works. Another page or part of the dashboard shows work the delegate submitted on behalf of others. The submitter has access to a dashboard that allows the submitter to control what types of permissions the submitter's collaborators/delegates have. When the link is displayed on the 'show page' for a work, the title and description will also be displayed. There is a page with a log of delegate actions conducted on the behalf of the repository submitter. There will be a section on the 'Add' or 'Edit Collection' pages to assign a DOI, similar to the section in the works/x/new view. There is an option in the 'Add' or 'Edit Collection' pages to include a large image that will display on the Collection page. There will be a WYSIWYG editor in the Add/Edit Work or Collection pages that allows formatting of text and links for the description field. There will be a clearer interface for expanding the "Show Additional Description" section, reusing some of the UI elements from elsewhere in the design (e.g., the "Add+" button). In any of the legal documentation, the repository user sees reference to the institutional intellectual property policy. The repository user receives assistance with knowing whether something is okay to deposit. When a repository user is ready to upload, the user can enter a name of the journal that previously entered the work, and it can tell the user whether the user may proceed or not. When the repository user sees the terms of use for the first time, the user can click on a "plain English" summary to read in addition to the full-text version. When the repository user sees the terms of use, the user can click on a heading that specifically speaks to what the user cares about. When the repository user logs in to the system, the user receives a notice that the TOU or distribution license have changed, or the user receives an automatically generated email. In addition, the user would like to be able to view exactly what sections changed from one version to another. When the repository user reviews the TOU, the user sees mention of a contingency plan. There is a direct link to the distribution license somewhere more obvious than currently visible only through FAQ. The repository user could enter the journal name into a field and the system would detect when the user's article is published, and remove the embargo from the deposited content. The repository user could check off boxes that would auto-generate a suggested Creative Commons license for the deposited work. When the repository user attaches subsequent files to the work, the user can select different rights statements for those files. When logged in, the repository contributor can see how many times their objects have been downloaded, and have the option to make this information public. On a regular schedule, a report is sent to the email address attached to the repository contributor profile's account, with statistics on how much their content has been used within a defined period of time, and in total. When logged in, the repository manager is able to request a report of repository interactions for a given period of time. There will be an API which allows the developer to manipulate objects in the repository according to permissions appropriate to the developer's account. The repository is capable of indexing content consistent with Google Scholar recommendations, so that shortly after submission it is findable in Google Scholar. When a delegate views the submitter's profile, the delegate has the ability to edit it.