Final Camera-Ready Submission Instructions

Important Information for Authors

The camera-ready submission deadline of IRI'24 is June 17, 2024. Please refer to the folder for the accepted paper ID, title, and page limit, and access the IEEE CPS camera-ready submission site at!/auth/login?ak=1&pid=2NjEVrqLAoJyWY5pzcdgE8 ; use the conference ID: 62200X during the camera-ready submission process if needed. Here are camera-ready preparation and submission instructions.

Step 1. Preparation and Submission Information

Please review the IEEE CPS Online Author Kit's Preparation Information before you begin the submission process. Make sure to address the reviewers' comments in your camera-ready paper. Please complete your final camera-ready paper submission by June 17, 2024.

Paper Page Limit:

  • Full paper of IRI'24: 6 pages (extra charge for additional two pages at a cost of US$100 per page; no more than eight pages would be allowed)
  • Poster paper of IRI'24: 2 pages (no additional page is allowed)
  • Workshop paper of AIHC'24: 6 pages (no additional page is allowed)
  • Workshop paper of EMRITE'24: 6 pages (no additional page is allowed)
  • Workshop paper of TechAAL'24: 6 pages (no additional page is allowed)

STEP 1.1 Formatting Your Paper

Your final papers MUST be formatted to Manuscript Formatting Guidelines. It is highly recommended that you proofread and check the layout of your paper BEFORE submitting it to PDF eXpress.

Step 2. Copyright Release

Please complete the copyright form to access the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) system. The eCF system allows you to complete and sign the copyright release form. This step must be completed for your paper to be included in the IRI 2024 proceedings. This copyright release form MUST be COMPLETED when you are submitting your paper.

Step 3. Paper Details

Please enter your final paper submission information in paper details. Please refer to the folder for paper ID, page limit, and paper title. Contact the Program Chairs if you have any questions about the information regarding your paper.

Step 4. Authors

Please list all authors by name, affiliation, and email. Enter the authors in the order they will appear in the paper. Author names and affiliations will appear in the IEEE digital libraries as they are entered in this step.

Step 5. Final Paper PDF File Submission

Submit your final camera-ready paper PDF. The camera-ready paper submission deadline is June 17, 2024. If you have any other questions please contact IEEE IRI 2024 CPS Editor Cristina Ceballos at .