The Flower Page

Flower of the Week


This week's featured flower is the white iris. This flower is white. It's an iris. You can trust me to tell the truth about that.

It grows in the ground. It blooms in the spring. It's known as a spring bulb. It grows from a bulb and the bulbs multiply and if you aren't careful you'll have a whole field full of iris after a few years, because these bulbs are busy being prolific down there in the dark.

Don't forget to cut some and take them inside because they smell really nice and they don't make you sneeze all that much.

News Items

All the latest flower news goes here. If your site has a blog, link to the latest blog entry here. Or maybe show some pretty flowers from Flickr.

Buy Now

Now's the time to order those daffodil bulbs from Burpee!

Flower Highlights

Orange Cactus

The cactus blooms in spring. Here's how to encourage your cactus to bloom: water it.

Red Cactus

A cactus in your garden can brighten up the scene in early spring. The rest of the year feel free to ignore it.

Ground Cover

Masses of flowers make good ground cover.