David J. Maume

Professor, Department of Sociology

Crosley Tower rm.1007, PO Box 210378

301 Clifton Court, University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0378

Phone:  513-556-4713(voice) 513-556-0057(fax)

My email address:  david.maume@uc.edu




I received my B.A. in sociology from Old Dominion University in 1977, and my M.A. (1981) and Ph.D. (1983) degrees in sociology from the University of North Carolina. I joined the University of Cincinnati faculty in 1986, and now serve as Director of the Kunz Center for Research on Work, Family, & Gender. Please link to that page to find out more about the research that my colleagues and I are doing, and to get the information on work and family issues.


Areas of Interest

My teaching interests are in work and family issues, poverty, social inequality, sports, and research methods and statistics. Currently I am engaged in research on the changing nature of fatherhood, sex-of-supervisor effects on job satisfaction, and the effect of nonstandard work schedules on the work and family lives of retail food workers (a project funded by the National Science Foundation).  In addition, I am now interviewing working-class married couples about how each partner negotiates rights to a restful sleep (a project funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation).


Recent Research

·        Gender differences in sleep disruption among retail food workers."  Forthcoming in American Sociological Review.

·        Gender differences in providing urgent child care among dual-earner parents."  Social Forces 87 (September, 2008) 

·        "The Over-paced American: Recent trends in the intensification of work." Research in the Sociology of Work, vol 17 (May, 2007).

·        "Racial composition of workgroups and job satisfaction among whites."  The Annals of the Academy of Political and Social Sciences, vol. 609 (January, 2007)

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Favorite Web sites

When doing research, I find the government web sites particularly useful such as the Census Bureau, or the the Bureau of Labor Statistics, (which is an agency in the the Department of Labor). If you want to know more about sociology, one of the best sites is maintained by Julian Dierkes. This site has information on departments, professional associations, links to search engines on sociological topics, etc. Another good source for information about sociology is to go to the site for the American Sociological Association. Away from sociology, I follow the world of sports as covered by ESPN, but in particular I like college basketball, especially the North Carolina Tarheels and Cincinnati Bearcats. When not watching, I like to play basketball, golf, and train for marathons (my favorites are the Flying Pig and Columbus marathons).

Last update: Summer, 2009