Order Theoretic Properties of Holistic Ethical Theories


Environmental Ethics, 13:3 (1991), 215-234.


Using concepts from abstract algebra and type theory, the paper attempts to analyze the structural presuppositions of any holistic ethical theory. The study is motivated by recent holistic theories in environmental ethics like Aldo Leopold's land ethic, James E. Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis, Arne Naess' deep ecology, and various aesthetic ethics of the sublime. Also discussed are the holistic and type theoretic assumptions of standard ethical theories like hedonism, natural rights theory, utilitarianism, Rawls' difference principle, and fascism. It is argued that though there are several senses of part-whole common in ethical theory, the central sense of holism in ethics is that of a theory that defines its key moral idea as an emergent group property grounded in the relational properties of its individual constituents. Hedonism and Kantianism do not count as holistic in this sense. Natural rights theory does in a degenerate way. Utilitarianism and various environmental ethics are paradigm examples. It is pointed out as a general structural weakness of environmental holistic theories that their first-order grounding in non-moral vocabulary seems to preclude an explanation of many moral intuitions about human ethics.