is an Arabic word, which connotes submission, surrender and
obedience. Islam is complete submission to Allaah, Alone. Islam is a
true religion given by Allaah (God) to mankind and the religion of
all the Prophets sent by Allaah, and Islam is the religion of all
true Muslims.
Who is a Muslim?
A Muslim is one who believes in the Oneness
of Allaah and he submits to the Will of Allaah, Alone, without
associating any partners with the Creator. The one who practices
Islam is a true Muslim.
Where Does the Name Muslim Come From?
From Allaah; He has given this name. It is
mentioned in the final Revelation of Allaah, which is the Qur’an. He
says: { It is
He Who named you Muslims both before and in this [Revelation]
} (Soorah 22:78)
Why Should We be Muslims?
Because Islam is the only Religion
acceptable to Allaah. The Qur’an says:
{ If anyone
desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted from
him, and in the Hereafter, he shall be among the losers
} (Surah 3:85)
Submission is of Two Types:
1. Compulsory submission, such as that
of the sun, the moon, the oceans, plants, animals etc… even one’s
blood pressure or biological system have no choice but to obey the
Law of Allaah.
2. Voluntary submission, to do or not
to do something, in obedience to the Commands of
Allaah. So we can say that Islam is the natural way of life,
it is the religion of nature.
What are the Pillars of Islam?
The Prophet
(pbuh) said: “Islam
is built upon five (pillars):
1. To testify that none is worthy of worship
except Allaah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah;
2. To establish prayer;
3. To pay Zakat (poor-due);
4. To fast the month of Ramadan;
5. And to perform Hajj to the House of
Allaah for whomsoever has the means.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari)
What Are the Pillars of Faith?
The Prophet
said: “Faith is to believe in:
1. Allaah (that He is the One and Only Lord
and Creator, Who Alone has the right to be worshipped and that He
has Names and Attributes [confirmed in the Qur`aan and Sunnah]
which are not shared by any of His creatures);
2. His angels (created by Allaah from light,
they perform certain duties assigned to them and they are totally
obedient to Allaah).
3. His Books (the Toraah, the Injeel,
the Zaboor and the Qur`aan, which confirms and fulfills the
previous Revelations).
4. His Messengers (the bearers of Revelation
sent to mankind; the first was Noah
u and the last was
Muhammad e).
5. The Final Day (the Day of Resurrection,
when man will be judged).
6. And to believe in Qadr (Allaah’s
Divine Decree) both good and bad (i.e. to be content with whatever
Allaah has decreed for us, while
the precautions and lawful causes that lead to the desired result).”
(Narrated by Muslim)
Why Has Allaah Created Us?
Allaah has created us to worship Him: He
says: { And I
created not the jinn and mankind except to worship Me
} (Surah 51:56)
What is Worship?
Worship (‘ibaadah in Arabic) is a
comprehensive term which includes all actions and sayings which are
loved and ordained by Allaah, such as du’aa` (supplication),
prayer, reciting the Qur`aan, giving alms etc.
How Do We Worship Him?
We worship Him in the way that He and His
Messenger e
commanded us. Allaah says:
{ Oh, you who
believe! Obey Allaah and obey the Messenger and render not vain your
deeds } Surah
Why Did Allaah Send the Prophets?
He sent them to call mankind to the worship
of one God - Allaah, and to reject the association of partners with
Him. He says: {
And verily, We sent among every nation a Messenger [proclaiming]:
“Worship Allaah [ Alone] and avoid the Taaghoot [one who
calls to the worship of false gods - and he is a devil]
} (Surah 16:36)
What is Tawheed?
Tawheed is the acceptance and firm
belief in only one God, one Lord, one Creator, one Sustainer etc.
Allaah says: {
And your God is one God; none has the right to be worshipped but He,
the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
} (Soorah 2:163)
It is the affirmation of Allaah’s Names and
attributes as He Himself describes them in His Book and as His
Messenger e has
described Him in the authentic hadeeth (sayings and actions
of the Prophet e),
without allegory, without comparison with His creation, without
negation and without asking: “How?” As such, we believe in His
Hands, His Face, His Ascending and Descending (in a manner befitting
His Majesty). Allaah says:
{ There is none
like unto Him and He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing
} (Soorah 42:11)