Visual Programming II Spring 1999 Leung
17-625-147-001 T TH 12:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.Instructor: S. T. Leung
Office: Sander L207
Phone: 556-1748
Office Hours: T TH 1:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. or by Appointment
Pre-requisite: Visual Programming I or a first course in Visual Basic
Required Material: Two 3 ˝" diskettes
Topics Covered:
Expected Work:
5 Programming Projects and 1 Presentation Project
To get full credit for a programming project, you must turn in the project on time. Every late day is 20% off.
For each of the five programming assignments, you have the freedom to choose any subject that interest you. However, your program must demonstrate all the specified elements required of the project (see below.) This part and how well your program runs count for 70% of the project grade. The remaining 30% will be awarded to your programming style, clarity of your documentation, and of course, your creativity in designing the project. If you cannot come up with a project of your own, you can always do a "generic" project assigned by the instructor. It is imperative that you pace yourself properly so that you do not get penalized for late work. 20% off for each late day. It is also very important that you set realistic goals. Do not aim too high that there is no way for you to complete the project on time. On the other hand, you should feel proud of the project you have completed. Try not to turn in a project that could possibly insult the intelligence of your instructor.
This project can be either a graphics program or a game program that involves graphics. You must show understanding of using graphics containers, graphics controls, and graphic methods. If you are writing only a graphic application, it must show animation.
To start the project, you must include a database. You should have constructed or made a selection for a database to use with by Friday, 4/23/99. You can either use Access or Visual Data Manager from VB 6 to construct a database, or you can include a database as long as you document its source. This database must contain at least 3 tables so that "relations" can be set up to extract fields from the tables. You need to demonstrate that you know how to use VB program as a front-end to access data from a database. These elements should be included in your project: data controls, bound controls, including the data bound combo/list boxes, data bound grid, different types of recordset: tables, dynasets, and snapshots, methods and properties associated with the recordset, simple SQL statements, select, add, delete, modify, and search for records.
You should use the same database as selected for Database-A. You need to demonstrate that you know how to use VB program as a front-end to access data from a database. These elements should be included in your project: ADO control, bound controls, including the data bound combo/list boxes, methods and properties associated with ADO, simple SQL statements, select, add, delete, modify, and search for records. You also need to produce reports.
You are required to prepare a presentation on a topic that is not yet covered by the instructor in the lectures. This can be one or a group of new VB controls or ActiveX controls. You are required to show a working VB program demonstrating the new VB topic you are presenting, or the usage of the new control(s). You are also required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation file for the class. You will be graded on the depth of your topic(s), clarity of the presentation, complexity of the program(s) demonstrated, and the clarity of the ppt file you are sharing with the class. Of course, if you are selected to present your topic, you will entertain questions from your audience. You can acquire a partner for your presentation. If you do have a partner, then it is expected that the topics you choose to cover will be broader and more complex.
Choose one of the following topics or come up with topics of your own. Do research on the topic. Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation. Show at least one working VB program to demonstrate the usage of the featured topic. Your work will be posted in the public folder for others to share. If you are selected to present your work, the presentation should be no more than 30 minutes long. The last two weeks of class time shall be reserved for your presentations.
The following is a list of possible topics:.
You should choose two topics and rank them by preference. Turn in your choices ASAP but no later than Wednesday, 4/14/99. On Thursday, 4/15/99, you will be assigned a research topic.
5. ActiveX Due: 12:00 p.m. on Friday, 5/28/99 Total: 30 pts.
You are required to create an ActiveX control, compile it to an .ocx file, create a stand-alone VB project to demonstrate the usage of the ActiveX control. An ActiveX control is best used in an Intranet environment.
6. DHTML Due: 12:00 p.m. on Friday, 6/4/99 Total: 30 pts.
You are required to create a DHTML application to be viewed with Internet Explorer 4.0 and above. A DHTML application is a group of HTML pages that work together to perform a specific process. You write Visual Basic code to handle events that occur when these pages are viewed in the browser. You can respond to events that occur on any element on the page — from clicking a button to loading an image to passing the mouse over a certain part of the page. Most of the processing associated with a DHTML application occurs on the client computer
Grading Scale:
Points Grade
From 180 to 200 A
From 160 to 179 B
From 140 to 159 C
From 120 to 139 D
Below 120 F
Attendance: Required. 3 or More Absences = F