Visual Programming I Winter 1999 Leung
Course: 17-625-146-001 T TH 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Instructor: S. T. Leung
Office: Sander L207
Phone: 556-1748
Office Hours: MWF 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM and T TH 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
or by Appointment
Pre-requisite: Introduction to Computer Programming I or an equivalent first course of a high level language
- Beginning Visual Basic 6 by Peter Wright, WROX Publishing (Required)
- Special Edition Using Visual Basic 6 by Jeff Spotts and Brian Siler, Que Books (Recommended)
Required Material: Two 3 ˝" diskettes
Topics Covered:
- OOP and Event Driven Programming Techniques
- Visual Basic Environment
- Elements of a Visual Basic Program: Forms, Controls, Properties, Codes, etc.
- Working with Objects: Properties, Methods, and Events
- Writing Codes:: If/Then/Else, Select Case, For Loop, Do Loops, etc.
- Working with Data: Numbers, Strings, Variant, Date, Time, etc.
- Working with Arrays
- Visual Basic Controls: Text Boxes, Label Boxes, Check Boxes, Picture Boxes, etc.
- Writing Code Modules with User Defined Functions, and Procedures
- Project with Multiple Forms
- Creating Menus
- Working with Dialogue Boxes
- Program Design, Testing, and Debugging
- Working with Control Arrays
Expected Work: 3-4 Programming Projects 30 Points Each
8 In-class Exercises 10 Points Each
- To get full credit for a programming project, you must turn in the project on time. Every late day is 20% off.
- You will not receive more than 25% of the points if the programming codes contain compilation errors.
- You will not receive more than 75% of the points if your programming project contains logic error.
- You may resubmit your programming project once to receive a better grade which will not exceed 90% of the maximum points. You cannot expect any consideration of your revision if the resubmission date is over one week of the date the program was return
- You might receive extra credit points for any extra features that you add to your programming project.
- The in-class exercises will be assigned every Thursday except the first and the last week of the Quarter. You will be given about 45 minutes of the class time to complete the exercise. If you can complete the exercise within 45 minutes, you will recei
ve 10% extra credit. If you can not complete the exercises within the class period, you have until Friday noon to complete it; otherwise, 20% will be deducted from the exercise for each late date. You may want to resubmit the class exercise for a better g
rade as long as it does not exceed 9 points. You have one day to resubmit a revision from the date the class exercise is returned to you.
- You should always name your .exe files as LLLFMPn.exe or LLLFMEn.exe. LLL is the first three letters of your last name. F is the initial letter of your first name. M is the middle initial of your first name. P stands for programming project, while E s
tands for exercise. Finally, n is a single digit showing which programming project or which exercise you are submitting.
- To submit any assignment, you must email your program .exe file as an attachment to a message to me. In the message, you need to identify who you are, the class you are in, which assignment you are submitting, and any comments you want to share with m
e about the assignment. In addition, you must hand in the printout of all the codes associated with your event procedures, code modules, class modules, etc. to me in person.
- Your printout must include documentation: your name, class name, instructor’s name, assignment name and number, date program assigned, date program finished, executable file name, program description, input/output, and limitations.
- No plagiarism will be tolerated. Although you are encouraged to help each other, you are required to write your own program. You will get a zero for the assignment if I find your codes a copy of someone else’s. I also reserve the right to invite you i
n to explain your codes to me in person.
Midterm/Final Examination: NONE!
Grading Scale:
90% -- A
80% -- B
70% -- C
60% -- D
Below 60% -- F
Attendance: Required. 3 or More Absences = F