Implications of Computer Technology on Our Society Spring 1999 Leung
Course: 17-625-172-001 T TH 12:30 p.m. 1:45 p.m.
Instructor: S. T. Leung
Office: Sander L207
Phone: 556-1748
Office Hours: T TH 1:45 p.m. 4:15 p.m. or by Appointment
Pre-requisite: None
In the past fifty years since the establishment of the computer technology, our society has undergone a silent revolution. We have experienced an exponential growth in information exchange, which has affected the ways we learn and we function. Almost every aspect of our daily life has been invaded and/or affected by this technology. While gaining a tremendous amount of efficiency in management, we have lost many personal touches from the yesteryears. The implication of this technology and its application without considering the ethics involved is profound. We will try to create an atmosphere in class, which will be open, honest and relaxed to allow for free flow of exchange of ideas. Only in such an environment, can we attempt to understand these enormous social transitions brought about by this technology. We hope to learn to adapt to these continuous and fast-paced changes in our lives, which have been brought about by the use of computers.
By the end of the course, students will acquire the ability to think critically and analytically relating to the development of the computer technology. The following is a list of some specific goals:
Required Material
: Two 3 ½" diskettes
Topics Covered:
Expected Work:
Weekly Reading and Short Writing Exercises -- 40%
The short writing assuagements are due every Tuesday, before class (11:00 a.m.) Please print a hardcopy for the instructor. In the mean time, keep all writing assignments in a diskette. At the end of the year, you need to turn the diskette in as your "folder." Unless requested otherwise by the instructor, you must follow the format stated below to complete all short writing assignments. Address each item in order and limit to one page single-spaced.
A. Identify the Assignment -- Your name, social security number, assignment number, course name and date due.
B. Dissect the Information
C. State Your Opinions
Grading Criteria
You must address all items listed above. I am looking for clarity in the summary and elements in critical thinking when you "dissect" the article. Please distinguish inferences drawn from the reading from any personal opinions. The questions should not only be facts finding questions. Ethical or moral questions relating to the subject that are particularly inducible to discussions should also be raised.
Mechanics of Writing 2 points
Part A .1 point
Part B .5 points
Part C .2 points
Total .10 points
Class Participation -- 30%
You will be asked in a rotational basis to present your research from the Internet or readings from the periodicals. From time to time you will act as a discussion leader, or even conduct informal debate with other members from the class. Of course you will be prepped in advance, so that you can be better prepared to speak in front of the class. You will also be expected to participate as audience with questions for the presenters on a daily basis.
Grading Criteria
The instructor reserves the right to evaluate your daily class participation based on the thoughtfulness of the questions/issues raised by you., your readiness to participate, your oral presentation skills including the ability to answer questions from your audience, and your enthusiasm. You can request the instructor to show you her weekly evaluation of your class participation grade for the past week at the beginning of each new week.
Class Project -- 30%
You are required to select one of the following project to be your class project of the course. The project is
due Monday, May 24th, 1999 by 3:00 p.m. You are expected to present the project during the last two weeks of the class in front of an audience.After completing the assignment using PowerPoint, you should share your suggestions with the entire class and the business owner.
Grading Criteria
You will need to give an oral presentation of your PowerPoint to the entire class. The instructor shall reserve the right to invite people to hear your talk. You will be graded on:
The class as a whole will evaluate your project. 50% from the instructor, 50% from the accumulated total of your class
Grading Scales:
A .90% and above
B ..80% and above
C ..70% and above
D ..60% and above
F ..Below 60%
Attendance: Required. 3 or more absences = F
Last Day to Withdraw: Tuesday, May 25th, 1999