Introduction to Computer Programming III

Spring 1999

Instructor: Soleda T. Leung

L207 Sander Hall

Office hours: T TH 1:45 PM – 4:15 PM or by appointment

Class: 17-625-143-001 MWF 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM


Office: Sander L207

Phone: 556-1748

Pre-requisite: Introduction to Computer Programming II

Course Objective:

In addition to completing the more advanced topics in C/C++ programming, this course will begin to introduce the concepts of Object Oriented Programming.

Required Textbook:

C++ Program Design: An Introduction to Programming and Object-Oriented Design by Cohoon /Davidson, 2nd Edition, WCB McGraw-Hill.

Required Lab Material:

Two 3 ½" High density diskettes

Chapters Covered:

Selected topics from Chapter 8 through Chapter 14

Topics Included:

  1. Recursions
  2. More Pointers & Dynamic Memory
  3. Container Classes
  4. Enumerated Data Type
  5. Class Construct & Object-Oriented Design
  6. Implementation of Abstract Data Types
  7. Class Function, Conversions and Inheritance
  8. EzWindows API
  9. Templates & Polymorphism
  10. Working with Files

Computer Used: IBM PC or compatibles

Software Used: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

Work Expected of Students

Maximum 6 Programming Assignments 20 points each

To get full credit you must follow the instructions given carefully, and turn in the assignments on or before the due date. Late assignments will be penalized – 20% off each late day.

How to Turn in Your Programming Assignment:

Email the C++ source code (.cpp files) and header files (if any) as attachments to a message to me. The message should include your name, the course, and which assignment it is. You may also include any message or comment you like to share with me about the assignment. In addition, you must hand in a printed copy of the source code (.cpp file and user defined header files, if any) to allow me to assign you a grade and provide comments about your work.

There may be some pop-quizzes. You may gain extra credits if you perform well in quizzes.

Grading Policy:

Programming Assignments……50%

Midterm ……………………..25%



Grading Scale:

A…………………………….90% and above

B…………………………….80% and above

C……………………………70% and above

D……………………………60% and above

F …………………… Under 60%

NO INCOMPLETE GRADE WILL BE GIVEN FOR THIS COURSE. The latest you may withdraw from this course is Tuesday May 25th.

Attendance in this course is required. Attendance: Required. 3 Absences = F.


Extra Credits:

Students may earn extra credits from programming assignments by adding extra features to the required programs and by being creative.

Midterm: Monday, May 3rd, 1999

Final: Friday, June 4th, 9:00AM – 10:00 AM

Student's Responsibilities: