Introduction to Computer Programming I

Fall 2000

Instructor: Professor Soleda T. Leung

#5303 French Hall


Office hours:               M W F             12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

                                    T TH                10:30 am – 11:30 am

                                    or by appointment



17CSTN141-001        MWF 10:00 am – 10:50 am (L203)

17CSTN141-005        MWF 1:00 pm – 1:50 pm (L210)

17CSTN141-006        MWF 11:00 am – 11:50 am (#4222FR)

                        T TH    9:30 am – 10:20 am (#4222FR)



Email Address:             


Phone:                         556-1748


Course Objective:


To study the fundamentals of programming with a high-level language; to learn the algorithmic approach in problem solving; and to be introduced to the production of software under the Windows environment using Microsoft Visual C++.


Required Textbook: 


A First Book of Visual C++ by Gary J. Bronson; Brooks/Cole Publishers; ISBN 0-534-95313-1 


Required Lab Material:


            Two 3 ½” High density diskettes


Chapters Covered:


            Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, parts of 7 and 8


Topics Included:


1.     Introduction to Windows 95

2.     Understanding C++ and the Object Oriented Design

3.     Data types - Variables and Constants

float, doubles, integers, characters, strings

4.     C++ Expressions and Assignments

5.     Conditional Statements

6.     Input /Output statements

Keyboard, monitor, printer, files

7.     Using Random numbers

8.     User-defined Functions

9.     Looping Constructs

while, for, do…while

10. C++ Header Files and Libraries

11. Creating Window-based Applications


Computer Used:         Window-based PC


Software Used:           Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

                                    Visual Studio 6 is available to all UC students:

                                    Check-out from Library (free) or Purchase CDs ($5.00 each)


Work Expected of Students


6 Programming Assignments                 20 points each

3 Lab Work Assignments                     10 points each


To get full credit you must follow the instructions given carefully, and turn in the assignments on the due date. Late assignments will be penalized – 20% off each late day.

How to Turn in Your Programming Assignment:

Email the C++ source code (.cpp file) as an attachment to a message to the grader. The message should include your name, the course, the section # and which assignment it is, etc. The subject of the email should conform to the requirement given by the instructor. You may also include any message or comment you like to share with the grader about the assignment. In addition, you must hand in a printed copy of the source code (.cpp file) to allow the grader to assign you a grade and provide comments as our feed back to your work.


Program code must have a top documentation like this:



//Student Name:             Sec:          Email Address:            

//Disk File Name:          .cpp           Assignment #:             


//Date Assigned:  /  /  Date Due:  /  /   Date Finished   / /      


// Program Description:                                                  



// Input:                                                          

// Output:                                                         

// Limitations:                                                    





No makeup will be allowed for missed quizzes. Maximum 4 Quizzes will be given. Quizzes may be unannounced.


Grading Policy:          Assignments                             45%

                                    Midterm                                   20%

                                    Quizzes                                      5%

                                    Final Exam                               30%


Total                                        100%


Grading Scale:           A         -           90% and above

                                    B          -           80% and above

                                    C         -           70% and above

                                    D         -           60% and above

                                    F          -           Under 60% or caught cheating or copying


NO INCOMPLETE GRADE WILL BE GIVEN FOR THIS COURSE. The latest you may withdraw from this course is Thursday, November 16th. Attendance in this course is imperative.

Attendance:                Required. 3 Absences = F.


Extra Credits:


Students may earn extra credits from programming assignments by adding extra features to the required programs and by being creative.


Midterm:        Friday, October 27th, 2000


Final:               Block exam – Date and time will be announced during the 8th week


You should always let the instructor know in advance if you have a valid reason for not being able to show up on the scheduled exam dates to take an exam. In this case the instructor will re-schedule the exam for you in advance. Otherwise, you forfeit the right to take an exam. There is absolutely no make-up for the final exam.


Student's Responsibilities:


·        Plan 8-12 hours of studying time per week for this course including additional time spent exploring Windows and the networked environment.


·        Seek help from the instructor or the tutors when you don't understand. Don't wait, and be prepared to ask specific questions.


·        Complete assigned readings before coming to class.


·        Start an assignment as soon as it is assigned. Do not procrastinate!


·        Although you are expected to do your own work, you may study together and help each other out. But if copying is involved, you will receive no credit for the assignment.


·        Form study groups to study together and support each other.


·        Always bring your book, disk(s), and notes to class and to the computer lab.


·        Be attentive in class and be ready to participate in class discussions.


·        Attend class ON TIME.


·        Be courteous to your classmates., the lab assistants, the tutosr, and the instructor . Only then, you can expect the same in return.


·        No under aged children is allowed in the instructional labs.


·        Do not get frustrated. When you are stuck, you should consider taking breaks and/or seeking help.