Introduction to Computer Programming I


Programming Assignment #1


  1. Get into Visual C++ IDE, type the password program as is (handout from Professor Leung.)
  2. Compile and fix all the syntax errors.
  3. Create EXE file.
  4. Run the program several times by entering different data.
  5. Fill in all the missing documentation.
  6. Print a hardcopy to be turned in.
  7. Save a copy of the .cpp file either on a: and h: for backup.
  8. Email the .cpp file to your grader (Professor Leung’s classes: as an attachment.
  9. For running a Visual C++ program and emailing file to grader please refer to:
    1. P:\ctp\information\RunVCpp.doc
    2. P:\ctp\information\EmailAtt.doc