Assembly Language II-- Winter Quarter 1999 

17-625-242-001 MWF 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM



Instructor: Professor S. T. Leung

Office: L207 Sander


Office Hours:

MWF 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM and T TH 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

or by appointment

Office Phone: 556-1748


Course Objectives:

To provide an in-depth study for the internal workings of the Intel 80X86 family of computers. The students will acquire an understanding of the machine cycles, integer/floating point/decimal arithmetic logical and shift instructions, and both har dware and software interrupts. Problem solving techniques and critical thinking skills are emphasized.

Pre-requisite: Assembly Language I

Required Textbook:

IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming by Peter Abel

(Fourth Edition)

Chapters Covered:

Selected topics from Chapters 9 - 15, 22 - 27

Topics Included:



Hardware Used: IBM PC or clones

Software Used: Microsoft Assembler 5.1 or higher (MASM) and the CodeView Debugger






Expected Works:

1. Assignments: approximately 6 Programs

Each assignment is 20 points. To get full credit you must carefully follow the instructions given and turn it in on time. No plagiarism will be tolerated.

2. Test/quiz/exam:

Midterm: Monday, February 8th

If you have a valid reason you may make up the test within 24 hours at the convenience of the instructor.

Quiz: Approximately 2, announced

Final Exam: Wednesday, March 17th, 1999 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM No make-up.



Grading Policy:

Assignments 50%

Midterm 20%

quizzes 5%

Final Exam 25%





Grading Scale:

A -- 90% or above

B -- 80% or above

C -- 70% or above

D -- 60% or above

F -- below 60%


No incomplete grade will be given. The latest you may drop the course is Tuesday, March 2nd.



Attendance: Required. 3 absences = F



Student’s Responsibilities: