Assembly Language I Autumn '99 (Leung)
17-625-241-001 MWF 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM (L203)
Instructor: Professor S. T. Leung
Office: L207 Sander
Office Hours: MWF 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM and TH 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM or by appointment
Phone: 556-1748
Course Objectives:
The course provides an in-depth study of the internal workings of the IBM PC family of computers. The students will acquire an understanding of the machine cycles, operating system, memory addressing as well as the architect ure of the microprocessors. Problem solving techniques and critical thinking skills are emphasized.
Introduction to Computer Programming I, II,III (or an equivalent sequence of high-level programming language); Problem Solving & Logic in Programming I, II or consent of the instructor.
Required Textbook:
Revolutionary Guide to Assembly Language by Maljugin, Izrailevich, Lavin and Sopin, WROX Press (1998 Reprint)
Chapters Covered:
Chapters 1 through 5, Appendix A through E, and Instructor supplied material
Topics Included:
Hardware Used: IBM PC and compatibles
Software Used:
Expected Works:
Each assignment is 10-20 points. To get full credit for each assignment you must carefully follow all the instructions given and turn it in on time.
2. Test/quiz/exam
Midterm: Friday, October 29th
If you have a valid reason you may make up the midterm within 24 hours either before or after the above scheduled date at the convenience of the instructor.
Quiz: Maximum 4, may be unannounced.
Quizzes are given at the beginning of a class period. No make up for any quizzes.
Final Exam: Thursday, December 9th, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM. No make-up.
Grading Policy:
Assignment 50%
Midterm 20%
Quiz 5%
Final Exam 25%
Total 100%
No incomplete grade will be given. The latest you may withdraw from the course is Thursday, Nov. 18th by 3:00 PM.
Attendance: Required. 3 absences = F
Student's Responsibilities:
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