1.       Connection formulas for asymptotic solutions for second order turning points in unbounded domains, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 4 (1973), 89-103.

2.       Doubly asymptotic series for the n-th order differential equations in unbounded domains, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 5 (1974), 187-201.

3.       Studies on doubly asymptotic series solutions for differential equations in unbounded domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 44 (1973), 238-263.

4.       Adiabatic invariants for linear Hamiltonian systems (with K. Meyer), J. Diff. Eqns., 17 (1975), 23-43; International Conference on Differential Equations, edited by H. Antosiewicz, Academic Press (1975); Geometrie symplectique et physique mathematique, Colloques Internationaux de Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 237 (1974), 137-145.

5.       Lateral connections for asymptotic solutions for higher order turning points in unbounded domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 50 (1975), 560-578.

6.       A doubly asymptotic existence theorem and application to order reduction, Proc. London Math. Soc., (3) 33 (1976), 151-176.

7.       Distribution of eigenvalues in the presence of higher turning points, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 229 (1977), 111-135.

8.       A third order linear differential equation on the real line, with two turning points, J. Diff. Eqns., 29 (1978), 304-328.

9.       Connection formulas and behavior in the large for solutions of linear differential equations depending singularly on a parameter, Singular Perturbations Asymptotics, Math. Research Center Symposia and Advanced Seminar Series, Edited by Richard Meyer/Seymour Parter, Academic Press, 1980.

10.   Analysis of models for commercial fishing: Mathematical and economical aspects, (with A. Wang), Econometrica, 44 (1976), 295-303.

11.   Limiting behavior for several interaction populations, Math. Biosci., 29 (1976), 85-98.

12.   12.  Periodic solutions for a prey-predator differential delay equation, J. Diff. Eqns. 26 (1977), 391-403.

13.   Limiting behavior for a prey-predator model with diffusion and crowding effects, J. Math. Biol., 6 (1978), 87-93.

14.   Conditions for global stability concerning a prey-predator model with delay effects, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 36 (1979), 281-286.

15.   Bifurcations and large-time asymptotic behavior for prey-predator reaction-diffusion equations with Dirichlet boundary data, (with D. Clark), J. Diff. Eqns., 35 (1980), 113-127.

16.   Equilibria and stabilities for competing species reaction-diffusion equations with Dirichlet boundary data, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 73 (1980), 204-218.

17.   Stabilities for equilibria of competing-species reaction-diffusion equations with homogeneous Dirichlet condition, Funk. Ekv. (Ser. Internat.), 24 (1981), 201-210.

18.   A semilinear reaction-diffusion prey-predator system with nonlinear coupled boundary conditions: equilibrium and stability, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 31 (1982), 223-241.

19.   Monotone schemes for semilinear elliptic systems relative to ecology, Math. Methods in Appl. Sciences, 4 (1982), 272-285.

20.   The reaction-diffusion system of competing populations, singularly perturbed by small diffusion rates, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 13 (1983), 177-190.

21.   Monotone scheme for finite difference equations concerning steady-state prey-predator interactions (with A.C. Lazer and D.A. Murio), J. Computational and Appl. Math., 8 (1982), 243-252.

22.   A study of three species population reaction-diffusion equations by monotone schemes, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 100 (1984), 583-604.

23.   Monotone scheme for finite difference equations concerning steady-state competing-species interactions (with D.A. Murio), Portugaliae Mathematica, 39 (1980), 497-510.

24.   Monotone schemes for three species prey-predator reaction-diffusion, in Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 52 (1983).

25.   Positive solutions for temperature-dependent two-group neutron flux equations: equilibrium and stabilities (with G.S. Chen), SIAM J. Math. Anal., 15 (1984), 490-499.

26.   Nonlinear density-dependent diffusion for competing species interaction: large-time asymptotic behavior, Proceedings of Edinburgh Math. Soc., 27 (1984), 131-144.

27.   Nonlinear multigroup neutron-flux systems: blow-up, decay and steady states (with G.S. Chen), J. Math. Phys., 26 (1985), 1553-1559.

28.   N. competing species with one prey in heterogeneous environment under Neumann boundary conditions: steady states and stability (with B. Bendjijlali), SIAM Appl. Math., 46 (1986), 81-98.

29.   A general monotone scheme for elliptic systems with applications to ecological models (with P. Korman), Proc. of Royal Soc. of Edinburgh, 102A (1986), 315-325.

30.   Accelerated monotone scheme for finite difference equations concerning steady state prey-predator interactions (with D. Murio), J. Computational and Appl. Math., 16 (1986), 333-341, Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations, North Holland (1987), 219-233.

31.   L2 convergence for positive finite difference solutions of the diffusive logistic equation in two dimensional bounded domains (with D. Murio), International J. Comp. & Math. with Appl., 12A (1986), 991-1005.

32.   Elliptic and parabolic systems for neutron fission and diffusion (with G.S. Chen), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 120 (1986), 655-669.

33.   A general alternating scheme for systems of equations (with S. Leung), Internat. J. Math. Educ. in Sci. and Tech., 18 (1987), 9-14.

34.   On the existence and uniqueness of positive steady-states in the Volterra-Lotka ecological models with diffusion (with P. Korman), J. Applicable Analysis, 26 (1987), 145-159.

35.   Global stability for large systems of Volterra-Lotka type integro-differentiable population delay equations (with Z. Zhou), J. Nonlinear Analysis, 12 (1988), 495-505.

36.   Diffusion-reaction systems in neutron-fission reactors and ecology, Nonlinear Diffusion Equations and Their Equilibrium States II, Math. Sciences Research Institute Publ, Edited by W.M. Ni, L.A. Peleiter and J. Serrin, Springer-Verlag, 1988.

37.   Positive solutions for reactor multigroup neutron transport systems: critility problem (with G.S. Chen), SIAM J. Appl. Math., 49 (1989), 871-887.

38.   Monotone iterations for nonlinear obstacle problem (with P. Korman and S. Stojanovic), J. Australian Math. Soc. Series B., 31 (1990), 259-276.

39.   Positive solutions for degenerate and non-degenerate elliptic systems: Existence and numerical approximations (with G. Fan), Asymptotic and Computational Analysis, edited by R. Wong, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1990.

40.   Existence of positive solutions for elliptic systems, degenerate and non-degenerate ecological models (with G. Fan), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 151 (1990), 512-531.

41.   Direct methods for some distributed games (with S. Stojanovic), Differential and Integral Equations, 3 (1990), 1099-1111.

42.   Existence and stabilities of periodic solutions for competing-species diffusion systems with Dirichlet boundary conditions (with G. Fan), J. Applicable Analysis, 39 (1990), 119-149.

43.   Nonlinear reactor multigroup neutron transport system: existence and stability problems (with G.S. Chen), J. Math. Phys., 32 (1991), 4, 905-915.

44.   Stability criteria for multiple limit cycles (with R. Xu), Dynamic Systems and Applications, 1 (1992), 283-315.

45.   Optimal control for elliptic Volterra-Lotka equations (with S. Stojanovic), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 173 (1993), 603-619.

46.   Optimal control for nonlinear systems of partial differential equations related to ecology, IMA Preprint Series #1126, (1993); Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium on Differential Equations, International Science Publishers, Netherlands, 1993.

47.   Periodic optimal control for competing parabolic Volterra-Lotka type systems (with F. He and S. Stojanovic), J. Comp. & Appl. Math., 52 (1994), 199-217.

48.   Stability analysis for cone-beam reconstruction, Proc. of Second International Dynamic System Identification and Inverse Problems edited by O. Alifanov, (with D. Murio, B.D. Smith et al.) Sect. F, Vol. 2, F5.1-F5.12, St. Petersburg, 1994.

49.   Optimal harvesting-coefficient control of steady-state prey-predator diffusive Volterra-Lotka systems, Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 31 (1995), 219-241.

50.   Periodic optimal control for parabolic Volterra-Lotka type equations (with F. He and S. Stojanovic), Math. Methods in Appl. Sciences, 18 (1995), 127-146.

51.   Bifurcating solutions and stabilities for multigroup neutron fission systems with temperature feedback (with Luis Ortega), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 194 (1995), 489-510.

52.   Positive steady-states for large systems of reaction-diffusion equations: synthesizing from smaller subsystems (with L. Ortega),  Canadian Applied Math. Quarterly, 4(1996), 175-195.

53.   Reaction-diffusion systems with temperature feedback: bifurcations and stability, Proceedings of World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis 96,  J.Nonlinear Analysis, 30(1997), 3379- 3390.

54.   Reaction-diffusion systems for multigroup neutron fission with temperature feedback positive steady-state and stability (with B. Villa), Differential and Integral Equations, 10(1997), 739-756.

55.   Finite extinction time for nonlinear parabolic equations with nonlinear mixed boundary data (with Qin Zhang), J. Nonlinear Analysis, 31(1998), 1-13.

56.   Reaction-diffusion equations with nonlinear boundary conditions, blow-up and steady states (with Qin Zhang), Math. Methods in Appl. Sciences, 21(1998), 1593-1617.

57.   Existence and monotone scheme for T-periodic nonquasimontone reaction-diffusion systems, application   to autocatalytic chemistry (with L. Ortega), J.Math Anal. Appl., 221(1998), 712-733.

58.   Optimal control of multigroup neutron fission systems, (with G. Chen), Applied Math. & Optimization, 40(1999), 39-60.

59.   Asymptotically stable positive periodic solutions for parabolic systems with temperature feedback, (with B. Villa), J. Nonlinear Analysis, 41(2000), 75-95.

60.   Bifurcation of reaction-diffusion systems related to epidemics, (with B. Villa), Proceedings of  Nonlinear Diff. Eq. in honor of A. Lazer, Electronic J. of Diff. Eqs, Conference 5, 2000.

61.   Bifurcation of reaction-diffusion systems, application to epidemics of many species, (with B. Villa), J. Math. Anal. Appl.,244(2000), 542-563.

62.   Positive solutions for systems of PDE and optimal control, J. Nonlinear Analysis, 47(2001), 1345-1356.

63.   Bifurcating positive stable steady-states for a system of damped wave equations, Differential and Integral Equations, 16(2003), 453-471.   

64.   Asymptotically stable invariant manifold for coupled parabolic-hyperbolic partial differential equations, J. Diff. Eqns.,187(2003),184-200.