About This Site
Welcome to this Dungeons & Dragons 6th Edition wiki! This wiki hosts the playtest content of the upcoming One DND from Wizards of the Coast. This new edition boasts new changes and rules ranging from a new feat system to seperate class categories.
This content is free to use, however, keep in mind that all of this content is playtest material and may not be balanced. Check with your DM to see if what you find here is a good fit for your table if you are going to be using it in play. Keep in mind that, according to the official One DND playtest rules, if there are any contradictions among the playtest articles, the most recent one takes precedence. Currently, the most recent article is Druid & Paladin.
Be sure to leave your feedback on the playtest packets at D&D Beyond!
Character Origins
This document is the first in a series of Unearthed Arcana articles that presentmaterial designedfor the Player's Handbook coming out in 2024.The material here uses the rules in the 2014 Player's Handbook, except where noted. Providing feedback on this document is one way you can help shape the next generation of D&D.
Inside you'll find the following content:
• Character Races. These are the Race options being considered for the Player's Handbook— all with updated design.
• Character Backgrounds. Here you'll see the fun role that a character's Background is going to play in helping flush out the character's origin.
• Starting Languages. This section specifies the number of languages a character knows when created.
• Feats. Every 1st-level Feat mentioned herein appears in the "Feats" section, which contains both new and revised Feats.
Determining Your Origin
After choosing your character's Class, it's time to consider the character's origin. Who are the character's ancestors? And how did the character spend the years leading up to a life of adventure? To help answer those questions, you choose threethings for the character:
• a Race
• a Background
• a language
A character's Race represents ancestry and confers game traits to the character. A character's Background is a collection of characteristics that represent the place and occupation that were most formativefor the character.The tables below lists the traits your character gains from Race and Background.
Race Trait | Description |
Creature Type | Every character and monster in the game has a Creature Type.* |
Size | A character's Size determines the amount of space the character occupies, as explained in the 2014 Player's Handbook. |
Speed | Speed fuels a character's movement, as explained in the 2014 Player's Handbook. |
Life Span | This life span is an average for a member of the Race—assuming the dangers of adventure don't shorten that span! |
Special Traits | Each Race provides special traits—a collection of abilities that characters gain from their ancestors. |
Background Trait | Description |
Ability Score Bonus | A Background grants a +2 bonus to one ability score and a +1 bonus to a different one. |
Skill Proficiencies | You get two Skill Proficiencies from a Background. |
Tool Proficiency | Each Background gives Tool Proficiency* with one tool. |
Language | A character learns one language from a Background. |
Feat | Each Background provides a 1st-level Feat—a special ability acquired in the character's past. |
Equipment | A Background provides a portion of a character's starting equipment, with the rest coming from Class. |
Race and Background together help bring your character's backstory into focus,and they distinguish the character from other members of the same Class. For example, two characters might both be members of the Fighter Class, but if one is a Human Guard and the other is a Dwarf Gladiator, the two bring different capabilities and flavor to the Class.
After choosing a Race and a Background, you choose a language that your character knows, in addition to the Common tongue and whatever language you gained from the Background you chose.
The combination of Race, Background, and languages provides fertile soil for your imagination, as you ponder your character's earliest days and imagine the character's family, occupation, hometown, and more.
Expert Classes
This document is the second in a series of Unearthed Arcana articles that present material designed for the next version of the Player's Handbook. The material here uses the rules in the 2014 Player's Handbook, except where noted. Providing feedback on this document is one way you can help shape the next generation of D&D!
Inside you'll find the following content:
• Expert Classes. Three Classes appear in this document, each one a member of the Expert Group: the Bard, the Ranger, and the Rogue. Each Class appears with one Subclass. More Subclasses will appear in Unearthed Arcana in the months ahead.
• Feats. Feats follow the Class descriptions, particularly feats available to the classes in this document.
• Spell Lists. Three Spell lists—the Arcane, Divine, and Primal lists—are featured here. The Ranger uses the Primal list, and the Bard potentially uses all three, thanks to the Magical Secrets feature.
The Cleric and Revised Species
This document is the third in a series of Unearthed Arcana articles that present material designed for the next version of the Player's Handbook. The material here uses the rules in the 2014 Player's Handbook, except where noted. Providing feedback on this document is one way you can help shape the next generation of D&D!
Inside you'll find the following content:
• Cleric Class. The Cleric Class is available for playtesting, along with one Subclass: the Life Domain. More Subclasses will appear in Unearthed Arcana in the months ahead.
• Revised Species. Three revised Species appear in this document: the Ardling, the Dragonborn, and the Goliath.
Druid & Paladin
This document is the fourth in a series of Unearthed Arcana articles that present material designed for the next version of the Player's Handbook. The material here uses the rules in the 2014 Player's Handbook, except where noted. Providing feedback on this document is one way you can help shape the next generation of D&D!
Inside you'll find the following content:
• Druid. The Druid class and Circle of the Moon subclass are ready for playtesting here.
• Paladin. The Paladin class and Oath of Devotion subclass are ready for playtesting here.
• Feats. Several revised feats appear here for your feedback, with more revised feats coming in future articles.
• Spells. More spells are ready for playtesting, with a focus on smite spells, Find Familiar, and Find Steed.