W. David Kelton is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems at the University of Cincinnati; he is also Visiting Professor of Operations Research at the Naval Postgraduate School.  He received a BA in mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, an MS in mathematics from Ohio University, and MS and PhD degrees in industrial engineering from Wisconsin.  He was formerly on the faculty at Penn State, the University of Minnesota, The University of Michigan, and Kent State.  Past visiting posts include the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, and the Warsaw School of Economics.  He is a Fellow of INFORMS, IISE, and the University of Cincinnati Graduate School.  His publications have been cited over 35,200 times, with more than 5,800 of those since 2019 (per Google Scholar).

His research interests and publications are in the probabilistic and statistical aspects of simulation, applications of simulation, statistical quality control, and stochastic models.  His papers have appeared in Operations Research, Management Science, the INFORMS Journal on Computing, IIE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics, the European Journal of Operational Research, and the Journal of the American Statistical Association, among others.  He is co-author of Simulation with Arena, with Randall P. Sadowski (editions 1-6), Deborah A. Sadowski (editions 1-2), David T. Sturrock (editions 3-4), Nancy B. Swets (edition 5), Nancy B. Zupick (editions 6-7), and Nathan J. Ivey (edition 7), which has sold over 135,900 copies and has been cited more than 5,500 times since 1998, receiving McGraw-Hill's award for Most Successful New Title in 1998; it has been translated into Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean.  He was also co-author of the first five editions of Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications, with Jeffrey S. Smith and David T. Sturrock (and, for the first edition, Alexander Verbraeck), which has sold over 13,800 copies since 2010, has been cited over 300 times; it has been translated into Spanish, French, Japanese, Portuguese, and Turkish.  He was also coauthor, with Averill M. Law, of the first three editions of Simulation Modeling and Analysis for McGraw-Hill, which has sold over 108,500 copies and has been cited more than 25,400 times since 1982.  Grants have come from General Motors, Ford, Standard Oil, Cray Research, Apple Computer, Hennepin County (Minnesota), the Minneapolis Citizens Council on Crime and Justice, the Minnesota Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, Vaughn Communications, Cincinnati Sub-Zero, Omnicare, Revco, Rite-Aid, McKesson Automated Pharmacy Systems, Select Tool & Die, Procter & Gamble, the University of Cincinnati Office of Research and Advanced Studies, the U.S. Marine Corps, and the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

He was Editor-in-Chief of the INFORMS Journal on Computing from 2000 to mid-2007, during which time the journal rose from unranked on the ISI Impact Factor to first out of 56 journals in the operations-research/management-science category.  He also served as Simulation Area Editor for Operations Research, the INFORMS Journal on Computing, and IIE Transactions, Associate Editor of Operations Research, the Journal of Manufacturing Systems, and Simulation, and was Guest Co-Editor for a special simulation issue of IIE Transactions.  He regularly reviews for many journals, NSF, and NSERC.  In 1982 he received the TIMS College on Simulation award for best simulation paper in Management Science, in 1994 the IIE Operations Research Division Award, in 1997 a Meritorious Service Award from Operations Research, in 1998 the INFORMS College on Simulation Distinguished Service Award, in 2001 the INFORMS College on Simulation Outstanding Simulation Publication Award, in 2004 was named a Fellow of IIE, and in 2007 was elected as an INFORMS Fellow.  He was President of the TIMS College on Simulation, and was the INFORMS co-representative to the Winter Simulation Conference Board of Directors from 1991 through 1999, where he served as Board Chair for 1998.  In 1987 he was Program Chair for the WSC, and in 1991 was General Chair; he is a Founding Trustee and Past President of the WSC Foundation.  He has consulted for NASA, Volvo, General Dynamics, Harper-Grace Hospitals, Pillsbury, 3M, Johnson Controls, Systems Modeling, SuperValu, SEMATECH, the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority, the Vienna (Austria) Chamber of Commerce, and the U.S. Army Logistics University.

Professor Emeritus
Department of Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0130, USA
david.kelton@uc.edu     https://homepages.uc.edu/~keltonwd/

Visiting Professor
Department of Operations Research
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California 93943-5219, USA

Last update:  December 31, 2024