Assignment 1

Prepare a breif (2-5 minute) presentation on a class related topic.  Have 2-3 slides in HTML to present to the class.  Don't worry about getting in to details, this should be a relatively easy assignment.

Possible topics include:

Due Date:  The due date is when you choose to present to class.  You may choose any day, but the earlier the better.  There are many more assignments due towards the end than the beginning of the quarter!  You can select the day on your class registration on my page.

Resources:  Search on Altavista, look at,,,,, and more.  Choose any site you wish, certainly don't feel limited to these.

Your presentation must be original, not a duplicate of my work or any other students' work. Please e-mail me a sumarry, approx. two paragraphs, with a bibliography.