Welcome to Doctor Horticulture!

Brandan Jones

Hort 187

Classroom Journal


Day 1


Biological Longevity: The time until a plant starts to have problems.  The biological longevity of a crabapple is about 25 years. 


Crabapples are a very popular plant, and I couldn’t imagine having a landscape without them.  There is a crabapple society.  When selecting a crabapple, select one that is naturally resistant to fungus.  It is easier to control fungus genetically than with a spray.


An annual completes its lifecycle in one year or less.


A white oak has a 300-400 year life cycle.


Sap sucker activity occurs when a bird drills holes in a woody plant, and sap oozes out.  Then, insects come to eat the sap, and the bird eats the insects.


The bottle brush buckeye has a six-part compound leaf, made of leaflets.  There is a bud at the petiole of the leaf.  This bud will produce next year’s growth.    The bottle brush buckeye expands quickly and blooms in June.  It has little fruit, though, so it is easiest to propagate asexually.


Stolons are surface oriented stems that shoot up roots.


Some plants are native to this area, while others are non-native.  The zelkova is a non-native plant that comes to us from Japan, and is considered a possible replacement for the American Elm.  The Zelkova has a vase shaped habit of growth.


Exfoliation is a push off of bark with cambial growth.  Cork cambium creates new bark.  This is ok.


The Norway Maple does not grow as well in Cincinnati as in Dayton, because Dayton has a gravely soil where Cincinnati has a clay soil.


Girtling Roots can cause strangulation in plants.  Grape vines can also cause this.


Cloleus can be used as an annual.  See picture.



Behind the Cloleus you can also see Japanese Yew.


A perennial, such as the viburnum, comes back year after year.  It’s a great plant for the tri-state.  It is a very hardy plant with a glossy leaf (see picture).  The glossiness/waxiness is formed bu cutin or suberin, on the epidermis of the leaf, and can retard insects.



An evergreen keeps its foliage, while a deciduous loses foliage during the cold season.  The Japanese Yew is an evergreen.


Taxol is a cancer aiding agent.  Taxus Media 8 produces the largest amount of taxol.


The grass family is the largest plant family.  Unlike years ago, people now harvest ornamental grasses. 


Don’t throw away your grass clippings, because they are an important source of protein.  The more dense your turf is, the less weeds you’ll have.  Brown spots in grass are due to mole activity.  You can control moles with mole traps.


The Scotch Pine has two needles in a bunde.  In pines, we always see needles in bundles, usually in units of 2, 3, or 5.



Day 2


Shingle oak is a member of the white oak family.  It has non-pointed edges on the sides of the leaves (not including the tip).


Galls can be caused by insect stings that 'penetrate plant tissue.  They cause the plant cell tissue to go crazy.  They may contain insect eggs.  90% of galls are non-injurious.  It can be difficult to get rid of galls, because it is hard to control the insect that causes them.  All galls are species specific, such as the hackberry and spindle galls.




At the University of NevadaReno, I saw a tree with significant abnormal growth.  Could this be a gall?


Tree at University of NevadaReno (view from the east)


Tree at University of NevadaReno (same tree, view from the west)



Anthracnose is a species specific fungus.


Euonymus is an excellent ground cover.  It often grows to 8”, 9”, and 12”, and is used as a grave site cover.  It comes in native and non-native forms, and the ground cover is non native.  Burning Bush gets red in the fall, and Purple Winter Creeper has horizontal growth and color.  It is easy to control weeds in Euonymus – it is not bothered by Round Up, so you can simply spray a diluted solution of Round Up on Euonymus plantings to control weeds.




Lantana is a favorite annual.  It is very durable, and will cascade horizontally over baskets.  It’s a non-stop bloomer, and will keep blooming until October.  It has coarse foliage and a rough surface, which makes drying out tougher and aids insect resistance.




Verbena, an annual with a purple flower, is almost a perennial in the south.  The picture below shows homestead purple verbena.  It is very insect resistant.  The stem is angular with four distinct sides.  Verbena is a member of the mint family.




The proven winner series are propagated asexually – not by seeds, only by cuttings.


Fall Magic is good for year-round gardeners, because you plant it in October and it does magic things in December and January.


Black Gum is one of the top 10 trees to plant in this area.  It is a native plant with extreme fall color and an exceptional growth rate.


The Red Maple is one of the top five trees for this area.  The Red Sunset cultivar became very popular in 1975.  It is asexually propagated by grafting.


With grafting, the propagator (the person doing the propagation) cuts a piece of graft wood from an existing tree and attaches it to a root structure from a different plant.  The growing part of the existing root structure must be removed so that all new growth is only from the graft wood.


Once grafted, the new planting is placed in a nursery in rows four feet across.  Initially, about 20% of new trees would fall over in six years.  To increase success rates, propagators root the plant from June 7th-June14th, and use rooting hormones.  With this assistance, 992 out of 1000 cuttings will root. 


Historically, June is a good propagation month, because we want to use this year’s new growth.  New wood has the best rooting capability.  In April, trees begin to break bud.  Next year’s bud becomes available.


A bud, signifying next year’s growth.


Phototropic, photoperiodism Plants can be classified as short day plants, long day plants, and day neutral plants.  String beans and tomatoes are day neutral.  Phytochrome in a plant triggers day length and triggers a reaction. 


Lignification is derived from lignin, which is one of the major parts of woody plant tissue.  Lignin forms the non-bendy part of wood.  It is also the component of paper that causes paper to yellow over time.  Papers which are designed not to discolor are called lignin free because the lignin has been removed.


Evergreen trees work well in cold, higher elevated areas.  They can photosynthesize throughout the year.  Evergreens have evolved over the years, and the stoma on evergreens are adaptive.  On the other hand, deciduous trees have leaves that abscise, or fall off. 


Several items can stimulate plant growth.  Plants grow well under red and blue light.  Carbon Dioxide also stimulates plant growth.  The earth’s atmosphere is composed of roughly 20% oxygen, 80% nitrogen, and <1% all other gasses, including carbon dioxide.


Nearly all plants are treated with growth regulators at some point.  The weed control product Round Up was discovered by mistake while studying growth regulators.  Another product, Limit, was developed in the late 1970’s, and only affects grassy plants.  With one application of limit, grass remains at 2.5 inches for eight weeks, then turns vibrant green on the ninth week.  However, limit is not commercially successful because it only works on monocots, not dicots.  Monocots are plants with one cotyledon, such as grasses and corn.  Thus, grass would stay at a constant size, and many weeds take the opportunity to grown. 


An English Lawn has a diverse composition of species. (My lawn is definitely an English Lawn, but I never knew there was a name for it until now.) 


All green plants have five growth regulators.  Among them are auxin and gibberellic acid (GA).  Limit is considered an ‘anti-gib’ because it causes GA production to be reduced.


Eli Lilly developed Cutless, which is similar to limit, but works on monocots and dicots.  Cutless is available in granular form, and is taken up in the root system of plants.  Dandellions stay about the same as grasses.


A controlled environment has a controlled level of temperature, wind, soil, and sun.  In greenhouses, we do not use soil, though.  Instead, we use a soil-less mixture, which has a very uniform mix.


Primo is a commercial product that cuts down on the volume of mowing.  There is less discharge quantity, less mowings, and less horizontal growth.


Another way to save time in grounds keeping is by using pre-emergent weed control.  This technique makes sure that seeds in soil cannot germinate.  When used in grass, it can prevent crabgrass from growing.  Dimension, from Monsanto, Barricade, and Gallery are examples of pre-emergent weed control.


The Triploid Amora Carp assists in lake management by eating all green matter.  It reduces the need for pesticides.  Since it cannot reproduce, the population will not get out of hand.


The Wheeping Red Jade crabapple is resistant to scab and fungus.  It is an excellent choice. 


Wheeping Red Jade Crabapple


The Autumn Joy Sedum is tough and durable.  It has thick leaves and is dry tolerant.  It has different colorizations in different seasons, and is red in autumn.  It is known as crassulaceae, or stone crop, and it takes in carbon dioxide through its stoma at night.


Autumn Joy Sedum


The Dill Seed has three different stages of growth.


Dill Seed


Asparagus forms an interesting Christmas tree-like structure as it grows.  The ‘ornaments’ are the seeds and the fruit of the asparagus.  Below you see that structure, as well as the edible asparagus stalk that most people recognize.







The edible portion of asparagus is the tip coming out of the ground.  Asparagus should be crunchy when cooked and eaten properly.  White asparagus has been bleached.  Asparagus is a good choice to raise.


The Laxtex Tree (Eucommia ulmoides) produces leaves and fruits with notable latex content.  This plant is native to China.  It germinates well, so get a seed around November 15th.  Sew the seed the day it is harvested.  It also grows well – about six feet per year.


Latex tree leaf and seed


The proper place to make a cutting is 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch below the nodal area.  A node is where the petiole joins a stem. 


A soil-less mixture does not contain soil.  Instead, it contains these ingredients:


Note: Please see my Class Journal Summary for more pictures and information about vermiculite and perlite from the University of Nevada – Reno Museum of Mines and Minerals.


Sphagnum mulch


Prilled Materials are rounded fertilizer.  The beads are coated with sulfur, and have a six month release time.  Soluble fertilizer can be applied by a spray during watering. 


Fertilizer contents are stated in the order NPK for nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.  Osmocote, for example, is 14-14-14.  One cup of Osmocote is appropriate per bushel of plant material.  It is important to not overfertilize, because fertilizers are salts and can cause problems if overdone.  One teaspoon of water soluble fertilizer is appropriate per gallon of water. 


Nitrate reduces transplant shock, so this is good to use when planting a tomato. 


White Oak trees have rounded leaves.  Their branches grow at a strong 90 degree angle.  This tree has a 360 year life span.  We witnessed one white oak that had cicada ovipositor damage.  The Shingle Oak is one of the fastest growing of the white oak family.

The crown of a tree is where the above ground growth and the roots meet.  The crown should be at the ground level.  It is acceptable to plant this slightly higher, but not lower. 


The Saucer Magnolia is a big bloomer.  It blooms in the spring, but the Girl Series blooms 3-4 weeks later. 


Saucer Magnolia


Crown and base of Saucer Magnolia


The squill is a three inch tall, blue flowering plant at the base of the magnolia.  You can plant bulbs in the fall for April blooms.


Saphrophyte survives on decaying wood.  It breaks down dead material.


The fir tree produces flat needles, usually with two bands.  Its needles leave behind a smooth abscission. 


The ephemeral coating on spruce that rolls off is called glaucous.


It is easy to determine the age of a white pine because of the whirled growth.  Every layer represents one year.  You can determine a lot about the seasonal weather one year based on the amount of growth between layers. 


The native bayberry produces candle material.  It is easy to maintain at a height, and is highly rejuvinable.  Its superior root system is effective for erosion control. 


The Black Eyed Susan/Fudbeckia is a native plant.


Holly plants typically have hard leaves with ‘bite’, but the Fosters Holly does not have as much bite as others.  They are vary hardy plants, and have berries from September to February.  Holly responds well to pruning, but don’t plant it too close to a building because it will get big.




The Arum has flowers in the spring, and colorful fruit in the fall.




The Sunset Red Maple is a midsize tree, with desirable fall leaf coloration.


Sunset Red Maple


Sedge, or Nutgrass, is commonly known as the world’s worst weed.  It has a triangular stem, and nutlets at the basil portion.


Sedge or nutgrass


Spring Grove Dogwood and Red Oak


SG Dogwood in the foreground; Red Oak in the background.


Close-up: unique characteristics of the Spring Grove dogwood.


Day Three


Baptisia australis is a herbaceous perennial, available with blue or white blooms. 


With sexual reproduction, seeds are produced, and a chance of newness abounds.  Summer seeders often require a cold period.  High quality seeding mechanisms significantly increases our chances of growth.


The Cleome is a summer plant that blooms from the bottom up.  It blooms all summer, and fruits on the side.


Plants need nitrogen.  We can find it in manure, or produced fertilizer.  With manure, we have the added bonus of improved texture/condition of the soil.  It is good to mix the soil-less mix and compost into soil.  The looser and lighter the soil is, the better the plant will respond. 


Plants must have oxygen in soil, and over-watering plants can limit oxygen.  Thus, it is important to not over-water plants.


Natural Organic fertilizer is manure. 

Inorganic Fertilizer is quick release, and will tell us exactly what we want.

Synthetic Organic fertilizer mimics what comes out of natural organic fertilizer


Manure is low in fertility, but high in nitrogen.  Heat is given off in the breakdown process, and it is important to let fertilizer break down before using it.  It is best to spread manure in the fall.


Soil Tests can tell you the acidity and nutrient content of the soil.  Most states will perform these tests for free though the county extension service.  To test, take a small sample of soil, less than four ounces, or less than half a cup.  Dig to 2.5-3 inches for turf, 5-6 inches for shrub, and 3-4 inches for vegetables.  Go to where the roots are, dig down and get a tablespoon full.


A pH rating of 0-7 is acidic, and 7-14 is alkaline. 6.0-6.5 is ideal for gardening, but many clay soils hover around 8.0.  Sulfur drives pH lower (to acidic), while gypsum and calcium carbonate drives pH up (more alkaline). 


Foliar plant analysis analyses a plant by its foliage.  A yellow look often (but not always) indicates that a plant is chlorotic. 


Mulch acts as a storehouse of nutrients.  One inch of mulch is usually good.  But don’t put too much mulch, or you’ll have oxygenation problems.


Russian Sage is a good perennial.  It grows to 36-42 inches in height, has a purple flower, and is a nonstop bloomer from May 15th to Thanksgiving.


Russian Sage


The Plectrauttia hangs down and has a unique smell.




English Ivy has a distinctly different shape from adolescence to adulthood.  It takes about 15 years to move from baby to adult, but an adult cutting will stay adult.  The flower or fruit of the ivy is the easiest way to identify an adult plant.





Cypress is a deciduous tree that grows quickly – six to eight feet per year, and mostly from June until September.  It is tap rooted, but with adaptations.  The cypress knees are above ground roots that aid in oxygenation in swampy land.  Cypress bulk mulch, from ground up trees, is very popular.



Canadian Hemlock is an evergreen that has small cones at all elevations.  Other evergreens have cones only at the top, to aid in distribution.  The Canadian Hemlock has fir-like needles.


Small cones of the Canadian Hemlock


The persimmon has blocky bark.  The Japanese variety is called Kaki.  The fruit is good, but not palatable until it is ripe.  When the fruit falls to the ground and is no longer green, it is ripe.  The persimmon produces a valuable purple and white hardwood.


Blocky bark of the Persimmon


The Ohio Buckeye has a yellowish fruit and a spiked blossom.


Buckeye, the mascot of a much less important public university in Ohio.


The Ginko is a gymnosperm that comes in male or female varieties.  Get the male, because the female’s fruit stinks!  Male plants can be grafted to form other male plants, so that you know in advance what gender you are getting. 


Distinct leaves of the Ginko.


Cambial damage is a problem with trees, but there is not much you can do to assist it.  Callous cells will grow over the damage.  If the damage is greater than 30%, it is probably best to remove the plant.


Cambial Damage


The oldest tree at Spring Grove is a White Oak.  It has burl wood around previous damage, which is highly valued for furniture.  It has branches at strong right angles, and lightning arrestors to help prevent lightning damage. 


The oldest tree at Spring Grove.  Note the size, compared to the person standing next to it.  Also, you can see burl about 15-25 feet above the ground. 


Chronology is the practice of boring a small hole in a tree to take a sample of the wood, and counting the rings to determine the age of a tree.  It is not necessary to bore all the way to the center; instead, you can use the diameter of the tree to come up with an age within 3% accuracy.


The shrub rose is an excellent choice for gardens.  It is virtually maintenance free – no spraying, no insects, and it flowers from May 15th until Thanksgiving.  Shrub roses like full sun.


Rose hips are the matured ovule of the rose.  Chuckles, knockout, and lovely fairy are some


Mint has a square stem and minty leaf, with white flowers at the top.


Zinnia comes in classic orange and star orange.  There is no dead-heading, which is removing the spent blossom from the plant.




Mites are not real insects, but you have to use miticides to get rid of them.  Kelthane is very effective, as is insecticidal soap, dormant oils, and neem oils.


Broccoli can develop pest problems, like aphids and loopers, but you can just boil it or rinse and microwave.


Suckers come out of the crown of a tree.  You should remove it as soon as you see it, or use a sucker stopper, but don’t use Round Up or you’ll kill the whole tree.  Water sprouts are similar to suckers, but they grow up from low lying branches and compete with other branches.  These should be removed as well.


When seeding, you can use trays with 588 positions. 


When the plant gets its first seeds leaves, transplant it.  You can put the plants in organic trays, then simply put the entire tray into the ground when you are ready to plant it.  This reduces transplant shock.  Tear up the peat tray a little bit so that it does not wick the moisture.


In the 1970’s, we used to garden with plaid pants and polyester shirts and ties.  We also would dig a straight ditch that acted like an artificial pond or container, and would cause roots to swirl and girdle.  In 2005, we dig wide and shallow.


Soil has three main components: sand, silt, and clay.


Air layering is a way of stealing your neighbor’s plant without him knowing.


It takes about four weeks for an air layer to root, and it is better not to be in direct sunlight.


Air layering


Air layering


Buffalo Grass is really fine, and tolerant of unbelievable conditions.  It browns out early, and is considered a no-mow grass.


The moonbeam and petunia is an example of an annual and perennial planted together.


Moonbeam and petunia: annual and perennial

Moonbeam and petunia: annual and perennial


The Swamp write oak loves wet, undrained areas with low oxygenation.  Cypress and River Birch do well in these conditions also.


One of the most beautiful scenes at Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum – the cypress by the lake.  Notice the knees, which are above ground growths that help the roots get oxygen.


One handy trick to remove only certain plants (weeds) from an area is the rubber glove method – put a rubber glove on your hand, then a cotton glove over that.  Dip your gloved hand into a roundup mixture, and then squeeze round up onto the plants you want to rid.


The Tartiba Hydrangea grows in really tough areas, and the Cornelian Cherry has a tart fruit.


Tardiva Hydrangea

Cornelian Cherry – tart!