32 Hort 235

Plant Journal

Brandan Jones


Spathiphyllum species. 1

Sansevieria trifasciata. 2

Epipremnum aureum.. 2

Nephrolepis exaltata. 3

Ficus lyrata. 4

Ficus benjamina. 4

Syngonium podophyllum.. 5

Dieffenbachia species. 6

Schefflera arboricola. 6

Dracaena reflexa. 7

Hedera helix. 7



Spathiphyllum species

C: Peace Lilly



Shade loving plant.  High light gives it scorched leaves.

This plant will not live outside.  They don’t like frost.

Not easily propagated.



Sansevieria trifasciata


C: Snake Plant, Mother in Law’s Tongue

Tolerates most light, but likes moderate light.

Yellow/white streaks are variegated.

Can grow to 4’, but 2’ is ideal.

Plant can be divided – get two plants from one.



Epipremnum aureum


C: Pothos, Phylladendron


light green, cascading.


Hard to kill

Ground cover in tropics.

Can take cuttings, easy to propagate.

Not a lot of pests.

Strong roots search for water.

Cubicle planters.

Likes filtered light, but wide range of lighting.


Nephrolepis exaltata

C: Boston Fern

take cuttings.

propagates itself by spores found only under some of the fronds.
Fronds are the leaf-like structure that most would call a leaf.  Fronds and spores are two seperate structures.

Roots can start new plants.

Utilize inside

High maintenance, messy.

Not a good hanging basket.

High light, high heat.


Ficus lyrata

C: Fig Tree, Fiddle Leaf Fig

Would install just about anywhere.

Grows up to 40’ tall.

Woody, not herbaceous.

Gets spider mite, scale, but easily treated.

Large leaves.

Doesn’t like being too dry or too wet.


Ficus benjamina

C: Fig, Benjamin Fig, Leaping Fig

Stem cuttings, air layering.


Gets spider mites, scale.

Ants are a sign of spider mites, because they eat spider mite poop.

Grows 20’, up to even 40’.

Has a different color and texture of bark than Ficus lyrata.


Syngonium podophyllum

C: Arrowhead vine

Leaf extends past petiole.

Plant will vine, trail.

Tolerates a wide range of light conditions.

Popular hanging plant and ground cover plant.

Direct sun will burn leaves.

Pests: mealy bug


Dieffenbachia species

C: dumb cane

Very large leaves.

Can become a small tree (6’)

Variegated leaves that droop down.  Drooping effect is normal.


Schefflera arboricola

c: Hawaiian Schefflera



Has a compound leaf.

Can grow very large.

Yellowing (chlorotic) leaves can be a problem.

Root bound, or girtling roots stunt growth.  A small container leads to small growth (which might be intentional).

A shrub, can grow to 6’ tall.

No special diseases. Spider mites, mealy bugs, as usual.


Dracaena reflexa

C: small leaf dracaena


Small plant, can be a small shrub.

Stretches in leaves.

[Phone pic]

Not too much to say about this one.


Hedera helix

c: English Ivy

Some are cold hardy, some are not.

A hanging basket will die over winter because it is above the freeze line.  Plants in the ground have a better chance because their roots may be below the freeze line.

This is an indoor/outdoor plant.

It does not flower, it only has foliage.

It can be propagated by cuttings.