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Java and EJBs
  UC ingotJava and EJBs go hand in hand.  As a matter of fact, you can't write EJBs in anything else now; Java is really the only language that meets all of the requirements.
    • It's cross platform.
    • It is safe and secure.
    • And it uses interfaces and implementations to separate the backend logic from the connection to that logic.
  • If you really don't want to use Java...
    • You can use CORBA.  But CORBA only answers the communication aspect of EJB.  There are many more pieces that must be addressed by the developer.
    • You can use .NET.  But .NET is largely new and unproven.  And, to my knowledge, it does not have anything EJB-like.  It also ties you to the Microsoft operating system platform.
 What is all of this plumbing we keep talking about?