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Passing Remote Objects
  UC ingot Passing remote objects is akin to passing by reference.  The data are all stored in one place.
  • This is similar to calling the server as we do now.  The client receives a stub, saves that in a variable of the type of the stub's interface, and calls methods on that variable.
    • Only remote methods can be accessed through the stub.
    • All other methods are local, and can only be accessed where the object actually resides.
    • Stubs are generated only for remote classes, and they only contain methods that are in the interface.
  • So let's make a remote class called LoginRoster that maintains a list of people logged in.
    • This makes sense to be remote, because we want the server to control a single list of logged in users.  If we had multiple copies of this, one on each client, for instance, they would quickly get out of synch.
    • We'll need to implement our login method as well.  We can just pop up a JOptionPane to prompt the user for a login.  We can also have the BulletinBoard log in.
  • Screen Captures:
    • First, I start the server.
    • Then I start one client and login Brandan.
    • I start the second client and login Conrad McMasters.

    Now, I can click on Show Users in etiher client and we'll see both Brandan and Conrad McMasters logged in.

    Pardon the format, I should put each user on a new line.  But... you get the picture.
    Also note how a message from each client now appears in the bulletin board.

    Brandan logs off, now we just see Conrad.


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