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Starting the Server
  UC ingot We can either run the program in our IDE, or we can run it from the command line.
  • From the command line...
    • First, we need to start the RMI registry

    • start rmiregistry
      This will open the rmiregistry in a new window.
    • Next, let's start the server.

    • start ChatServer (or start ChatImpl if we use the NetBeans unified server).
    • Start the client as you normally would.  Make sure that the RMISecurityManager is included if you do not have all of the server objects locally.
      • So, we'll need a policy file.  Make one that has these contents:

      • grant {
          permission "*:1024-65535", "connect";
      • Then, add this line to the client to read the policy information.

      • System.setProperty("", "client.policy");
      • Or specify the policy with the -D option we discussed in the security slides.


 Making our Client in Sun ONE