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About UnicastRemoteObject
  UC ingot Our class must extend UnicastRemoteObject, and implement our interface Chat
    • UnicastRemoteObject provides us with an implementation of method exportObject, which makes our object available to receive remote calls.
      • exportObject is static, so you can use it to export objects if you do not want your server to extend UnicastRemoteObject.
    • It comes with a default constructor, but we can use other constructors to specify a port and possibly a RMIClientSocketFactory and RMIServerSocketFactory.
      • We use these factories to create our own, custom sockets.  But why would we want to do that?  Actually, it's fairly common.  You can make a custom socket class if you want to implement a particular security or encryption mechanism, such as Triple DES.
    • UnicastRemoteObject is made to run with TCP connections.
 Compiling, Class Name Summary