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Marshalling with Stubs
  UC ingot Stubs are very important to me.  Reason being, my phone number spells 886-STUB.  (Actually, that's just coincedence.)
  • The class that handles marshalling and unmarshalling is called a Stub.  This resides on the client.
    • The stub used to have a counterpart, called a skeleton, which resided on the server.  This is a throwback to the CORBA days, but has since been eliminated with the help of reflection and introspection.
  • The stub's job is to:
    • Marshall the parameters passed.
    • Create an identifier of the remote object and method to be used.
  • The program formerlly known as the skeleton has to then:
    • Unmarshal all parameters.
    • Find the object to be called.
    • Call the method on that object.
    • Marshall the return value or Exception generated.
    • Send this marshalled data back to the client.
  • On the client, we talk to the stub through its interface.  When we get a reference to the stub, we must save it in a variable of the stub's interface type.  
  • When you make an RMI program, you have to use the RMI Compiler (rmic) to generate the stubs.
 Dynamic Class Loading