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Service Oriented Access Protocol

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Steps to making a SOAP request:

  • Identify the method (POST) and the target (/soap)
  • content-type identifies that the message is XML (text/xml; charset=UTF-8

  • )
  • The remainder of the XML document has three parts:
    • Envelope is the container of the SOAP message and body.  It also identifies the namespaces, which may include:
      • xmlns:soap SOAP envelope namespace
      • xmlns:xsi XML Schema for instances
      • xmlns:xsd XML Schema for data types
      • xmlns:soapenc SOAP encoding namespace 
    • Header is optional.  Must be first item in Envelope if present.
    • Body makes up the bulk of the message.  It contains method name and arguments for an RPC call.
  • On the server, a process accepts the SOAP message.  When it recognizes that it is a SOAP request, it forwards the message to the SOAP engine.
    • What type of process might perform this operation?
    • The SOAP handler is then responsible for processing the message and taking necessary action.

     SOAP Response