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The Client Side
  UC ingot The client of our EJB can be many things - a Swing application, a servlet or JSP, a unit test, or even an XML or SOAP generator.
  • Either way, it's based on RMI-IIOP, so it should look familiar.
    • We use a naming service, just like we did in our RMI example.  This keeps the actual location transparent.
      • First, we look up a home object, HelloHome or HelloLocalHome.  We use a unique name such as HelloWhirled to identify our desired home object.
      • Next, we prompt the home object to create the EJB object.  home.create(), for instance.
      • Then we can call the methods on the EJB Object; sayHello in our case.
  • Some things we need to do in our client (see snippet below)...
    • Get the JNDI properties, set them into a context.
      • These properties must include the name of the initial context factory and the provider URL.  They will generally be read from a file.
    • Get an object representing the home interface from JNDI.
    • Call the narrow method on java.rmi.PortableRemoteObject to ensure that the object returned from JNDI can be cast to our expected home interface.
    • Call the create method on that home interface.
    • Call the business methods on the returned EJB.
  • Snippet:
Properties properties = System.getProperties();
Context context = new InitialContext(properties);
Object object = ctx.lookup("HelloWhirled");
HelloHome home = (HelloHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(object, HelloHome.class);
Hello hello = home.create();

 A look at our client