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Select and Insert
  UC ingot We've seen a select query.  Now lets' make an insert query and select the results after we've inserted.


  • On the command line, run mysqld and mysql.
  • Create two tables (if you haven't already):
    • Students: Name, BearcatID, Major, Gender, CollegeID
    • Colleges: Name, Dean, CollegeID
    • Make sure you choose the best data types.
    • Don't worry about primary key constraints, null values, etc.
  • Pre-populate the Colleges table with some data.  You may populate students if you want to as well.
  • Make a JSP similar to the example.  Run it to make sure you have a connection.
  • Write a JSP entry page.
    • Include fields for the columns in students.
    • Have it call your select JSP.
    • In the select JSP, put in some logic to insert a row into the database given the values sent from the entry JSP.  Preferrably do this before your select, so that you can verify that the insert happened.
    • use request.getParameter("field name"); to get the data passed from the input form.
  • If you have time, get wild and crazy.
    • Have your select join the students and colleges tables.
    • Pre-populate a drop down on the entry page with college IDs or colleges.
  • Here's what I came up with.  If you get stuck, take a look.