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Statements and Result Sets
  UC ingot Once you have your connection, you can get a Statement to make database calls.
  • To get a statement, 

  • Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  • Then make your SQL string.  This should be exactly like SQL you might enter directly into the database.

  • String updateStudents = "UPDATE students SET CollegeID = 32 where CollegeID = 30 AND Major = "IT";
  • And use the appropriate Statement method to run.
    • In this case, we'll use executeUpdate(), which returns the number of rows modified.

    • int updated = stmt.executeUpdate(updateStudents);
    • If your statement includes the words INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP TABLE or CREATE TABLE, you should use executeUpdate().
    • Queries with SELECT are a bit more complicated, though.
 SELECT queries and ResultSets