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Action Queries
  UC ingot Action queries modify the data inside a database.
  • If you want to change data that already exist, use an UPDATE statement.  For example, with the demise of CECE, all IT majors were transferred from college 30 to college 32 (CAS).  So, we could make a query like so:

  • UPDATE students
    SET HomeCollegeID = 32
    WHERE HomeCollegeID = 30 AND major = "IT"

    • Note that we use the SQL =, not the Java ==.  In SQL, = represents both equality and assignment.
  • To insert a new record, use the INSERT keyword.

    VALUES ("Conrad McMasters", "mcmastce", "M", "IT", 32)

  • And, to create a table, use CREATE TABLE.
    • Put each field followed by its type and a comma (if necessary) inside curly braces.

    CREATE TABLE colleges
    CollegeID INT,
    Name VARCHAR(25),
    Dean INT

     JDBC Concepts