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SQL Explained
  UC ingot SQL, the Standard Query Language, is the interface to nearly all databases on the market today.
    • ANSI SQL 92 is the official standard.  
    • We use JDBC to tell our database what SQL to run.
  • Databases store data in tables.  The tables have named columns and rows.
    • Picture an Excel spreadsheet as a database table, but stop right there - contrary to some beliefs, Excel is not even close to a database!
    • The rows contain the data, called records.
  • You can join tables, most often with a primary and foreign key.  The primary key must be unique; it identifies a single row in a table.  The foreign key need not be unique.
    • For example, we might have a table called colleges, and another table called students.  
      • Colleges would have a primary key field called CollegeID, this would be 32 for CAS or 30 for CECE (shed a tear).  There would be one and only one entry for each college (DAAP, CCM, CBA, CAS, CECE, A&S, etc).
      • Students would have a foreign key field called HomeCollegeID.  Each student would have one and only one record in the students table, and that record would have a CollegeID set to the student's home college.
      • Then, if you wanted to see all of the students whos home college is CAS, you could simply join the two tables together on the field CollegeID and HomeCollegeID.
    • What benefits do we gain by having multiple tables with few columns instead of one large table with many columns?

     Basic SQL Statements