
<html><head><title>First name Example</title></head>
First Name Form
<form name = "dataForm" method = "POST" action =
Enter your first name:
<input type="text" name="firstName">
<input type="submit">

#    Use the library
use CGI;

# Make a new CGI object.
$query = new CGI;

#   Write out the content-type header followed by a blank line.
print $query->header;

#   Write the HEAD section, including the title.
print $query->start_html("Welcome");

#   Write a welcome message.
print "<H3>Welcome ";
print $query->param('firstName');
print "!";

#   End the HTML.
print $query->end_html;

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Updated Source: #!/usr/local/bin/perl # Use the library use CGI; # Make a new CGI object. $query = new CGI; # Write out the content-type header followed by a blank line. print $query->header; # Write the HEAD section, including the title. print $query->start_html("Welcome"); # Write a welcome message. print "

Welcome "; $firstName = $query->param('firstName'); print $firstName; print "!"; print "
Click here to proceed."; print "
"; # End the form. print $query->end_html; #!/usr/local/bin/perl # Use the library use CGI; # Make a new CGI object. $query = new CGI; # Write out the content-type header followed by a blank line. print $query->header; # Write the HEAD section, including the title. print $query->start_html("Welcome"); # Write a welcome message. print "

Goodbye "; $firstName = $query->param('firstName'); print $firstName; print "!"; print "
Click here to proceed."; print "
"; # End the form. print $query->end_html;